Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 13

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There’s a saying…

”Show me your closest friends and I’ll show you the future.” It’s pointing out that we become our surroundings and vice versa.

Have you ever felt that you’re the sane one in the group or the cheerleader? How does that feel? Tiring? Yet you put up with it because as a good friend you’re also loyal.

Maybe you’ve got the best squad around and everyone brings something of value to the table. Perhaps you prefer being alone, either way you attract what you project. The biggest question is, “Are you content with it?”


What you value and it will become a guide. So think about characteristics, ethics and personalities. Reflect on the qualities that transcend gender, race or education.

I value strong ethics and often choose my closest friends based off of these traits, Do they value time and keep their word?

As a mother of seven (7), driven entrepreneur, educator in a public school, director of a culture exchange group (on break during covid19), dog mom, creator, artist, blogger, podcaster, fitness instructor and I still make my husband’s lunches. I know what it means to be busy.

However I know what an excuse looks and sounds like. It’s hilarious to hear the reaction from groups and masterminds I participate with when they find out that I birth a waka ama (canoe racing) team. I love it. Which is why I choose not to partner with anyone who breaks their word or pelts me with excuses that sound viable but isn’t.

I value people who value time. What to you value in a friend?

Write your answer in the comment box below.

Characteristics Of Beauty