Beautiful Mind Challenge 2/30

The day is made for me. I am thankful, thoughtful and grateful.
— Ho'o & Dad (Kalani Tandal)

The final line, “ I am thankful, thoughtful and grateful” is an affirmation that my Dad taught to all of his grandchildren. He would always end his prayers with it and have them repeat the sentence. To me that is more valuable than gold. And today I’m sharing it with you.

[N. L. Kalani Tandal is a military veteran who served in Desert Shield/Storm and abroad in South Korea. His faith in Jesus has broken countless generational curses and helped him raise four children along with his wife.]

Beautiful Mind Challenge 1/30

Everything I need to succeed is already gifted to me. I am thankful, thoughtful and grateful.
— Ho'omālamalama & Kalani Tandal

You have untapped GIFTS

Begin to see your ideas and talents as gifts.

The final line, “ I am thankful, thoughtful and grateful” is an affirmation that my Dad taught to all of his grandchildren. He would always end his prayers with it and have them repeat the sentence. To me that is more valuable than gold. And today I’m sharing it with you.

[N. L. Kalani Tandal is a military veteran who served in Desert Shield/Storm and abroad in South Korea. His faith in Jesus has broken countless generational curses and helped him raise four children along with his wife.]

Comment Below

What gift’s do you have?

Beautiful Mind Challenge

Around 2011 both my sister and I became Zumba fitness instructors and we had big plans to help a lot of ladies get fit. I would bring in my nutritional background and she would blend in her knowledge of the fitness industry.

The unthinkable happened.

Then in 2015 she was diagnosed with stage-4 cancer as a result of a molar pregnancy.

It was horrible.

My instincts took me deep into prayer and back to the lessons of prayer & MANA.

We prayed for guidance.

The thought of chemotherapy freaked us out but the tumor markers were growing so quickly.

Collectively we knew that the healing needed to involve all areas of her being.  Because diseases like these attack the body, plays tricks on the mind and can damage the soul.
— Ho'omalamalama

I wanted to find a way to keep her MIND, BODY & SOUL strong during her treatment. The cancer was in her uterus, bladder & lungs. Her physician took a chance and put her on a rigorous program including 7 TYPES OF CHEMO, one drip was about 12 hours long. I wanted to propose something to my Ohana (family) with a product line that I enjoy. So my Ohana got together and I said, “What do we have to loose, why not take a chance and put these products to the test. The other side is death.

The cancer was in three major areas.

We’ve only heard stories about people trying this but we’ve never seen it in action. So she started with a bottle of Genesis™ per day and two packets of Ultra Vitality. That gave her white blood cells the ability to sustain itself during the intense chemo cycle. She had an appetite during her entire treatment and eventually added smoothies with beets, cucumber, cilantro, apple, banana, chia seeds, hemp hearts & more Ultra Vitality.

We were scared but stuck to the plan.

The dangerous part was if her white blood cells dropped too low they would have to pull back on the chemo. Now when I say advanced I mean this cancer was spreading quickly and she couldn’t stop using her Genesis™ or risk taking a break from the treatments. Somehow the two were working in favor of her body and the tumor markers began to decrease from over 200,000 to 170,000 to 140,000…


I wanted to connect daily.

All the while I kept writing hoping that she was reading my blog and trying some of the challenges. It clawed at my faith and bruised my hope to see her going through this but I never showed it during my visits or daily chats. While she was in treatment my husband and I moved her Ohana into our home due to her husband’s work schedule and the chemo sessions. It was school, work, martial arts, dance classes as usual… almost.

I wanted to encourage her beautiful mind.

Everyone contributed from our brother buying nutrients, parents becoming caregivers, my household welcoming hers, her midwife Nancy, our 1st cousin’s the Kaikala’s, Aunty Josie & family, Aunty Nani & Aunty Aunty Denise mailing poi and many more.


Blessings upon blessings.

Then it happened her body responded well to the to kill the orcs (cancer cells) treatment which included her supplements at home, whole foods and walks. In fact her doctor told her, “What ever you’re doing, don’t stop.” I pray for more doctors like him who listen to their patients and after four (4) months the cancer is in remission!


The Invitation

Can I invite others to join any of the challenges? Please do, the more the merrier. Send, forward or post.

Am I able to use these challenges with my friends? Sure, for example you and a few friends can participate in the BEAUTIFUL MIND Challenge while creating caring accountability to complete assignments. All I ask is…

  1. Have them subscribe individually.

  2. Comment after you’ve listened to daily affirmation/mantra.

  3. I can’t wait to see you in the challenge, start here. [It’s a private page, just request & you’re in.]

Uncover the truth to why you can't loose weight.

Where do I begin?

Weight-loss is such a heated debate and a 30 Billion dollar industry. That’s Billion with a capitol “ B “ in case you were wondering.

I’m sure it’s well past 30 Billion… more like 58 Billion according to 2021’s market research. And what does that mean to us?

Well several things come to mind.

  1. Why are we less healthy and more broke? (Sorry for the poor grammar.)

  2. Who’s spending all that money.

  3. What are we doing wrong?

  4. When will the madness stop?

  5. How can we create lasting change?

I’m sure we’re all wondering.

Wondering how we can loose an extra 40 pounds or finally get rid of that muffin top.

Since we’re opening up Pandora's box, why not dig deeper and ask, Why can’t we keep it off?

Perhaps you’re reading this and realize that it doesn’t apply to you, that’s great! But there’s a large percentage of women who can totally relate.

I want to pull back the curtain on this lucrative Billion dollar business.

Mind your body. It’s no one else responsibility but your own.
— Ho'omālamalama

5 Truths

Most people don’t realize but when you're stressed you eat differently and probably don’t feel like working out. This contributes to an increase in your waistline.

If you’re in a home where everyone is drinking pop and munching on chips you will too. It becomes the norm and the environment isn’t supporting your goals or desires.

This is the #1 reason you buy anything. Your brain is a marketer's playground. I should know, I’m a student of marketing strategies. It helps me to see the truth within the system.

Tell me why the medical realm will suggest surgery to everything? So much of our ability to loose or gain weight is tethered to our hormones. Especially if you’ve given birth.


Bottom line, YOU ARE UNIQUE and that’s the truth.

How to Improve.



It’s like a hamster in a hamster wheel, going nowhere fast.

You have to pause for a moment and evaluate your wellness plan.

Many of us don’t even have one. We just have day’s that we’re suppose to workout but that’s not a plan.



Make two list, one of the things you like in your life and the other of the things you don’t like.

I’m a big supporter of list because it allows you to SEE what your subconscious already knows.

Facing reality is the quickest path to meaningful change.



What is in your control? Circle it with a marker.

What, on your list, is directly related to your body?

Reflect on your “don’t like” list. Is there a connection or pattern?

It’s important that you ask the hard questions in private so you can achieve great things in public. Let your friends & family witness your transformation because you know that deep down inside you did the heart-work.

Reflection is both hard-work & heart-work. ❤️

HINT: Sugar is a legally accepted and highly addictive product. It contributes to the aging/demise of your body. It’s also extremely profitable. The sugar industry and pharmaceutical industry have something in common. Getting you hooked and keeping you hooked.
— Do A Google Search & Learn More


Make a separate list of all the things/topics/subjects that you need to learn about.

Once you see your “don’t like” list you can transition into the BODY STRATEGY ZONE. This is where you adapt a proactive mindset.

[Example: If I don’t like my muffin-top belly then I have to learn about foods and exercises that will eliminate the problem area.]



The most important step is to join a holistic wellness community and stay connected.

Healthy community is important for our mental well-being. Consider a group that exhibits the following; consistency, positive and motivated to live their best life.

You are welcomed to join my community. We call ourselves the “Good Vibes Only Tribe” and do our best to make it our mantra. Being a tribal member has a bunch of benefits and you can learn more below.

How to unburden yourself from toxic energy.

Have you had enough?

What do you do when the weight of toxic energy suffocates your creativity, productivity, sanity and health?

Lessons from REV. MLK Jr.

Don’t kid yourself and think that the world isn’t after your peace-of-mind because it is.

Have you heard of the term, “Misery loves company” because it’s true.

As I reflect…

Looking back on the Civil Rights Movement you can see a pattern of hope over adversity. It might be pinned against the ugly faces of moral corruption but it’s there.

[Here’s my IG post on the subject.]

When the weight of negative vices strip away your joy it’s time to unburden yourself. Choose self preservation.
— Ho'omālamalama

When enough is enough

I cannot imagine the pressure that Rev. MLK Jr faced. On one side they had every right to be angry and fight back but what would that accomplish? He was constantly bullied to react.

  • React to racism but what did he choose?

  • React to bullies but what did he do?

  • React to threats but what did he embrace?

Truth be known,

None of us, not even Greta Thunberg, face what he faced and paid the ultimate price… his life.

It’s not my goal to bring up facts about the events around Rev. MLK Jr. but to step back and take a look at some of his noteworthy quotes to summarize the answer to my opening remark…

How to un-burden yourself from toxic energy.

I chose to separate the words UN and BURDEN because it represents a bridge. In my opinion you will have to create a bridge of hope to walk across and get away from the vices of hate. Because at the end of the day, no matter the label, it’s all hate. And what dispels hate? LOVE of course!

Let LOVE ❤️ IN

I’m not talking about romantic love…

That can make one seem desperate and attract the wrong type of advances. One that may damage the soul. NO, I’m not talking about romance but something with intrinsic value.


The ability to VALUE and find worthiness when looking at your reflection in the mirror. Love is the strongest energy known to mankind yet we don’t use it to protect ourselves or deflect toxic arrows.

  • When someone messages hate, block them.

  • If someone wants to remind you of your past, remove them.

  • Stop giving toxic people access to your mind and most of all your subconscious.

Love = Light

Have you joined a wellness community or some type of group or mastermind that emulates your desire to live in peace? Love needs action to dispel hate. Let me repeat,

Love needs action.

It’s not enough to wish, dream or play the victim when it comes to the burden of wickedness. You don’t have to stay there and there are things you can do, small steps, to improve your mindset and will your body to take action.

Question is

How badly do you want to un-burden toxic energy?

And are you ready to make a move?

Believe in love

Don’t give up on LOVE


Join our Tribe

Strive to reach the highest.

Kūlia i ka nu’u


Be Bold

Be Proud

Be Firm

Be Brave

Be Valiant




Do it afraid!


Be Flexible

Be Curious

Be Adventurous

Be Hopeful

Be Confident





With great spirit and fortitude one can truly achieve Kūlia I ka nu’u.
— Ho'omālamalama (Hawaiian quote attributed to Queen Kapi'olani)

Sunsets @ Kohala

I took this picture while watching the sunset near Kohala, thinking about the future. When an old saying came to my mind, “Kūlia i ka nu’u!” Roughly translated, strive for the pinnacle or highest.

Prayers in the wind

So many of our ancestors prayed these words into the wind, hoping it would find our ears and rest on our hearts. Not to settle but become the best.

To overcome adversity, achieve good things and leave a legacy. 

Kū: To stand and rise up.

Nu’u: The highest point.

What does it all mean?

New possibilities

For me it is the seed and source of why I became a holistic fitness and lifestyle coach. I wanted to become a catalyst for positive change and help others Kūlia i ka nu’u. To follow in the steps of the healers within my family but through a different path. One that would involve a dance style other than Hula and incorporate multimedia platforms instead of the lauhala matted floors of a hale. (Lauhale: weaving material. Hale: house)

creating a “Good Vibes Only Tribe”

Through dance fitness I see women groove without a care while burning calories. They begin to feel positive changes within their bodies. With mindfulness prompts and coaching I witness how they manifest goals. But the best part is hearing how their lives are inspiring others.

For Native Women & their Community

I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with SPIPA and serve the women of Chehalis, Nisqually, Shoalwater Bay, Skokomish and Squaxin Island. With their support I created a coaching program which includes in-person, live-stream, blog post, podcast, fit journal and so much more.

You don’t have to be enrolled in a tribe to join our tribe. (aka ‘Ohana)

The program is called WholelisticFit, “Fitness for your mind, body and soul.” The goal is to create a holistically fit-minded community.

Kūlia i ka nu’u…


Why diet?

Body Strategy

(noun a plan of action designed to achieve a major goal in relationship to your physical wellbeing)

What is "Body Strategy" and why have one?

USA is a disease-first nation. Let me explain.

It's based off the idea that you have to wait for sickness or disease before taking care of yourself.

Which goes with the thought process, "Go ahead you're young, LIVE."

Having a body strategy is the complete opposite.



A strategy allows you to be proactive about your body. After all it’s the only vessel we have.

Be proactive so you can be more active as you age.
— Ho'omalamalama

Here are three important questions that you have to ask yourself.

  • Prevention - What can you do NOW to prevent or slowdown aging and disease?

  • Prep - Do you need to gather resources or hire a professional to help you?

  • Practice - How often do you want to practice this strategy?

Be Intentional

I've been designing wellness programs since 2011 and only recently understand what's missing.

What's Missing?

If you want to succeed you'll need to create a body strategy that includes a few key factors, one of them being consistency.

Be Consistent

I don’t know why but for some strange reason the word consistent makes people feel uncomfortable. Feeling as if it’s boring or dull but if you step into the world of business and investing that word makes millions. $$$

Start Here


Healthy habits matter.

The only reason why the diet industry is so lucrative is that they create marketing to contradict habits while seducing you to try their product or service.

Bottom line inconsistency makes millions upon millions. With each product launch and purchase you’re breaking a habit to make a new one.

Body strategy

You have to adopt a plan/strategy and maintain it! Regardless of outside interference you must be DEDICATED to your body.


Must participate in a wellness community. In-person or virtual.

The pandemic kept us apart and damaged our sense of community but the key to success lies within a community. And depending on the type of community you associate with will determine your success.

From new moms to cosplay there’s a community for every hobby and preference.

Body Strategy

The best way to create & maintain healthy habits is to join a community.


Willing to invest into your well-being.

Invest your time to learn, plan and implement the tools and resources you’ll need to succeed. Keep in mind that you, “Get what you pay for.”

That includes lack-of-knowledge because we pay for it with our health. Think about all the health risk that are associated with not knowing. For example it wasn’t until 1969 that warning labels were put on cigarettes, after many lives were loss due to throat cancer.

Body strategy

Invest with your time and then your dollars.


Create a plan and make it visible.

The best strategies are noticeable and seen often. Similar to the one we created for our members. They can pick and choose the sessions that would fit their lifestyle. I hope our members are printing these out in color.

Body strategy

In order for you to succeed you’ll have have to write out your strategy. Good News, I can help. Answer the following in the comment box below. And YES you have to comment because that’s part of the community experience, sharing is caring.

  1. What is your body goal? (More Energy, feel better, etc.)

  2. What day’s will you be working out. Daily or five/days minimum is ideal. (Walk, Cardio, Morning Burst, etc.)

  3. Do you have a planner or calendar?

The “strategy” happens when you write out your idea and commit to a time frame or in the business world create a dead-line.


Communicate, daily, with your wellness community.

Through social post, text or in-person sessions. We’re social beings and thrive in the presence of good vibes.

I don’t mean to get morbid but I learned that the first thing an abuser will do is isolate and cut off their victims support. Community is sanity… let me reframe. Healthy community is sanity.

Body strategy

Find a community you resonate with and an instructor you admire. Join

We have a no nonsense free session. It’s a great place to start and it’s virtual. You’ll also be enrolling n our e-newsletter and we’ll keep you updated. Join with the link above.