What to do with unwanted change?


Change in gas prices, weather, etc.

Unwanted change is going to happen regardless of how you feel. In fact I can guarantee change and so can you.

But what if it’s something you don’t want and can’t prevent?


Look to the past!

Generations of people have dealt with both aggressive and progressive change but their action made the difference. The “Action” you take after reading or hearing this will determine your tomorrow. I listed five tips to help you.

Read through the five tips and then listen to the corresponding podcast for details. Then post your comments below. If you want more support make sure you’re receiving the newsletter.

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Accept It

Acceptance doesn’t mean that you like it.

This step allows you to move forward by acknowledging the change in your life.

Maybe it’s loosing someone or something.

Perhaps a missed opportunity.

What’s changed in your life?

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You have to create a positive visual representation.

We get “stuck” in our headspace worrying, wondering and wanting the CHANGE to go away.

But that’s not going to happen, refer to Step #1.

Take a few deep breaths, this is only temporary. (That’s what the Elders say.)

Write a list of things you control.

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What do you value?

In the heat of the moment or when stressed we can loose sight of the most important things in life.

A gentle reminder is always helpful to regain a healthy perspective.

Go over the list you wrote and place a number value next to each item.

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Be the change!

You are more powerful than you know and capable to overcome any circumstance.

Just like a healthy river you have to keep moving both physically and mentally. Your blood has to circulate and your brain needs positive reinforcement.

Use the list you created to make a TO DO LIST. Do what you have the power to control.

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Create sacred space.

It could be a special chair, a place in your garden or soaking in your bathtub. Make time to enjoy the simple pleasure in life.

Be consistent, plan and maintain this part of your schedule.

If you get too busy don’t skip it, just reschedule it. Nourishing moments make life livable.

What do you enjoy?

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