DAY 5/25 of Merry Making

Nature is…






and more adjectives then I care to type but you get the point.

It has so much to offer.

Besides the air we breathe, or landscape we daydream about Nature is full of secrets. I’m going to share three that I’ve observed over time.

Side note, remember to visit the Instagram page for daily motivational post.


  1. Never Compare - You’ll never notice a tree envious of another.

  2. Adjust To Seasons - Everything in the natural world changes.

  3. Stand In Your Truth - Self awareness is the most powerful sense any human can poses.

I wanted to get right into the heart of this blogpost because you deserve to know the truth. Now that I’ve shared these they are no longer secrets. It’s up to you in to incorporate them into your life. And if you need help checkout our mastermind.

“25 Day’s Of Merrymaking”

Task 5

25 Day Printable

Every time you complete one of the twenty-five task you can put a sticker on that day. Keep in mind that this is intended to be fun and full of small wins. This PDF is available for a limited time.