Thoughts to GROW by.

I appreciate thought provoking info-graphics

Especially when they help me deal with self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Here are a few of my favorites and a couple that I made up.

These are fun to share on Instagram and please tag me when you do. @hoomalamalama


“Grow where you are planted.”

I actually don’t know who created this saying but I appreciate that person.


I’ve heard this saying all my life but I added an after thought.

Just because you’re in a season you don’t have to like it. Just hold on and stay positive.


Another tried and tested saying.

Even when things aren't going so well I’ll read, watch or listen to a self-improvement lesson. Anything that will take my mind off my problems and allow me to expand my ideas.


I have to admit that the phrase, “Do it afraid” scares me but I know that it’s extremely beneficial.

When you're facing tough times take a deep breath and connect with the source of your strength. Fo me it’s my ‘Ohana. What is it for you?