How to shop for inspiration.


Inspiration is more than a Pinterest quote it’s a state of mind. It’s also a feeling we get when an innate belief is ignited by an image, word(s), sight, touch, taste and sound. The interesting part is how our subconscious reacts to inspiration. Each connection is both physical and soulful.

Since we live in a world where negative news, road rage, and rude social media comments plague our air space we need to create a bubble of joy, aka inspiration, around us. Which is why I suggest that you shop for inspiration. Don’t worry you don’t have to spend a penny, unless you want to.


What makes you smile?

Who is that person, place or thing that will always put a smile on your face?

Travel down memory lane and recall a time when you were completely devastated or crushed. Then think about how you were able to smile again.

PAUSE: Write down your reflection.


What’s your ideal landscape?

Is there a place that refreshes you? What does it look link? Is it a blue ocean or green mountain?

Consider the scenery that melts your heart. A place you feel calm or relaxed. Allow your mind to recreate this space.

PAUSE: Pull out your colors to draw or cut out a magazine and collage it.


What flavors spark joy?

My community goes nuts for pumpkin spice lattes because it sparks joy. What’s yours?

“Food is memories!” - One hundred foot journey. Our tastebuds hold just as many memories as our mind. Focus on the joyful experiences.

PAUSE: Create a Pinterest board of all your memorable flavors.


What sounds motivate you?

“If music be the food of love play on.” - Shakespeare, Twelfth Night.

Nowadays we can create playlist for every occasion. Do you have one dedicated to inspiration? Having the right sound can improve our attitude and so much more.

PAUSE: Make a music playlist and title it, “Inspire Me!”


What quotes help in your toughest situation?

Repetitional words enter our subconscious and become truths.

Think about words, poems, lyrics, and speeches that inspire you. Words are powerful and the right formulation can be life changing.

PAUSE: Write or photocopy all of your fave quotes, then display it.


Here comes the fun part

Once you've answered all of the prompts what did you observe?

Do any of the images, word(s), sight, touch, taste or sounds surround you on a daily basis? If the answer is no -or- not enough then you have to change it.

Now it’s time to shop! Create a budget and stick to it. You might not have to spend a penny. Repositioning a few key pieces in your home can improve the environment.

[Side Note: I suggest you de-clutter first.]

Here comes the fun Part-2

Change up your space to reflect the seasons. I’m not talking about Christmas decorations but refreshing your space on a regular basis. Allow your mind to dream and then pull from your wonderful ideas. Each season offers you the chance to reimagine your space.

An inexpensive way to boost inspiration is to add fresh flowers or plants.

Comment additional ideas.

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