
Empath's Self Care Guide


In our first post, How to be a Ninja Empath, we asked “What if more empaths turned into ninjas and learned how to protect themselves from mana-suckers?” (People who drain your energy.) Then we created an Unofficial Empath Quiz designed to reveal if you are, in fact, an empath. The quiz is meant to be a lighthearted experience with your inner truth and embrace your gift.

We’ve been talking so much about empathy that it’s important to follow-up with the next part of the journey which is understanding self-care as it pertains to an empath’s needs. We’ve curated five steps, based off our experiences, to share with you. Also there’s a self guided e-course that you can participate in if you want to dive deeper. It will include PDF’s and much more.

Those blessed with special gifts or talents are usually unaware. The moment they come into a place of knowing they’ll need to immediately learn how to protect their gifts. Because the world is full of jealous individuals wishing they were gifted. People blinded by envy and quietly waiting to destroy what they can not possess. Stay vigilant.
— Ho'omalamalama
  1. Routine Rituals of Self-Care

A series of actions performed in a certain order to provide consistent nourishment. Dedicated time, space & energy.


Schedule, plan and invest in services or knowledge that will allow you to maintain your wellbeing. 


2. Journaling Thoughts & Feelings

Learn to separate yourself from the information you receive and write it down. In the form of dreams or what you sense and learn from others.


Practice healthy habits to remind yourself that you are not your thoughts. Filter and identify your feelings from those around you.


3. De-Clutter Often

Create a lifestyle that allows you to evaluate what is around you. Place things into two categories; serving me or not serving me. This includes relationships, items, music, movies, publications and subscriptions.


Use a clutter free environment to boost your energy and lifestyle.


4. Regular Workouts + Walks

Utilize fitness as a way to circulate and energize the body. This should be gold standard and a regular habit. Walking provides many physical benefits along with stress reducing advantages.


Habit track your fitness routine or hire a coach.


5. Gather Like-Minded People

It's okay to be picky about who you allow into your inner circle. In fact guard this realm. Make sure to identify characteristics that you desire and associate with people who reflect your values.


Know who "feeds" your soul and who "drains" your energy. Prevent & protect. 

Comment below: What action’s will you take at this moment?

Want More?

We’ve been developing an e-course centered around our Ninja Empath blogpost. It’s designed to tap into your innate ability to protect by asking thought provoking questions and applying immediate action. We hope that it will offer an awareness and provide weapons of mass enlightenment. This can be completed on your schedule as it is a self guided course.

  • Discover techniques to help you turn-off the chatter.

  • Create positive self-talk and fall in love with being YOU.

  • Learn the “5" rules of engagement.

  • Apply resources and tools to guide you.

  • Develop your intuition and confidence.

  • Improve how you engage with the world.

  • Use the PDF’s to dive deeper.

  • BONUS: You can revisit this e-course as often as you need. (Depending on our relationship with the hosting platform.)


Free Version

If you prefer to to learn at your own pace & take notes. No PDF

Email E-Course

If you prefer independent study & prompts. PDF’s Included.

Video E-Course

If you prefer visual learning with bonuses. PDF’s + Ebook + Video

Members Benefit

Be the first to know when we have a new e-course or offer and get special discounts. Join our Good Vibes Only Tribe and stay in touch.

Unofficial "Empath Quiz"

You’d be surprised

to know that many individuals who are empaths might not be aware. And if they are aware they might feel uncomfortable about revealing it to others.

  • Mana suckers can pickup empath vibes. (Mana: strength in Hawaiian)

  • Empath’s daily schedule can be affected by others.

  • A non-empath isn’t affected.

So relax, take the quiz & comment on Instagram.

There’s a beautiful side to being an empath and I hope to bring light and joy to an important gift.

This blog post should NOT be taken as medical or phycological advice. It’s for informational and educational purposes only. Please see a licensed professional.
— WholelisticFit and Ho'omalamalama

Empath Quiz

Simply Answer YES or NO

The Following questions are meant to bring awareness and open your mind to the possibilities of being an Empath. Have fun and maybe include family members and friends.

1. I sense and feel things that I can’t explain, somehow my “gut feeling” is usually right.


2. I want to heal, help and restore others. It’s often at my own expense.

3. I adore nature and feel strongly connected to a certain places.


4. I dislike bullies or people who take advantage of others, I crave justice.

5. You kinda deal with imposter syndrome and you don’t know how wonderful you really are.


If you answered “YES” to all five questions then it’s likely that you could be an empath. Congrats.


Acknowledging your gift 🎁 is the beginning of a beautiful journey because denial only brings regret and shattered dreams. When you deny being an empath you’re unconsciously opening the door to being used, misunderstood and overwhelmed. You’ll spend your days regretting missed opportunities since you were consumed by someone else’s drama. Who consciously wants that life?

Once you accept your gift you’ll understand how and why you should protect it. You’ll become aware of intentions and will be able to navigate through relationships.

Becoming a Ninja Empath was my way of explaining to my son that he needed to protect his heart, mind and emotions. I want him to develop a healthy self image.

Something NEW

When I started writing this series I had no idea of its depth. The mother in me longs to protect my children but I realized that I need to teach them how to protect themselves. Learning self defense should be included with the ABC’s of reading. It should be elementary. (wink wink) That last line was a nod to Sherlock Holmes fans.

The blogpost has inspired a new online class I’m calling, “Empath E-Course” which is an empath’s self defense training. If you’d like more information visit the SHOP page or sign up for our newsletter.