
How to unburden yourself from toxic energy.

Have you had enough?

What do you do when the weight of toxic energy suffocates your creativity, productivity, sanity and health?

Lessons from REV. MLK Jr.

Don’t kid yourself and think that the world isn’t after your peace-of-mind because it is.

Have you heard of the term, “Misery loves company” because it’s true.

As I reflect…

Looking back on the Civil Rights Movement you can see a pattern of hope over adversity. It might be pinned against the ugly faces of moral corruption but it’s there.

[Here’s my IG post on the subject.]

When the weight of negative vices strip away your joy it’s time to unburden yourself. Choose self preservation.
— Ho'omālamalama

When enough is enough

I cannot imagine the pressure that Rev. MLK Jr faced. On one side they had every right to be angry and fight back but what would that accomplish? He was constantly bullied to react.

  • React to racism but what did he choose?

  • React to bullies but what did he do?

  • React to threats but what did he embrace?

Truth be known,

None of us, not even Greta Thunberg, face what he faced and paid the ultimate price… his life.

It’s not my goal to bring up facts about the events around Rev. MLK Jr. but to step back and take a look at some of his noteworthy quotes to summarize the answer to my opening remark…

How to un-burden yourself from toxic energy.

I chose to separate the words UN and BURDEN because it represents a bridge. In my opinion you will have to create a bridge of hope to walk across and get away from the vices of hate. Because at the end of the day, no matter the label, it’s all hate. And what dispels hate? LOVE of course!

Let LOVE ❤️ IN

I’m not talking about romantic love…

That can make one seem desperate and attract the wrong type of advances. One that may damage the soul. NO, I’m not talking about romance but something with intrinsic value.


The ability to VALUE and find worthiness when looking at your reflection in the mirror. Love is the strongest energy known to mankind yet we don’t use it to protect ourselves or deflect toxic arrows.

  • When someone messages hate, block them.

  • If someone wants to remind you of your past, remove them.

  • Stop giving toxic people access to your mind and most of all your subconscious.

Love = Light

Have you joined a wellness community or some type of group or mastermind that emulates your desire to live in peace? Love needs action to dispel hate. Let me repeat,

Love needs action.

It’s not enough to wish, dream or play the victim when it comes to the burden of wickedness. You don’t have to stay there and there are things you can do, small steps, to improve your mindset and will your body to take action.

Question is

How badly do you want to un-burden toxic energy?

And are you ready to make a move?

Believe in love

Don’t give up on LOVE


Join our Tribe

DAY 5/25 of Merry Making

Nature is…






and more adjectives then I care to type but you get the point.

It has so much to offer.

Besides the air we breathe, or landscape we daydream about Nature is full of secrets. I’m going to share three that I’ve observed over time.

Side note, remember to visit the Instagram page for daily motivational post.


  1. Never Compare - You’ll never notice a tree envious of another.

  2. Adjust To Seasons - Everything in the natural world changes.

  3. Stand In Your Truth - Self awareness is the most powerful sense any human can poses.

I wanted to get right into the heart of this blogpost because you deserve to know the truth. Now that I’ve shared these they are no longer secrets. It’s up to you in to incorporate them into your life. And if you need help checkout our mastermind.

“25 Day’s Of Merrymaking”

Task 5

25 Day Printable

Every time you complete one of the twenty-five task you can put a sticker on that day. Keep in mind that this is intended to be fun and full of small wins. This PDF is available for a limited time.

Day 4/25 Merry Making Challenge

What are you listening to?

Our subconscious never sleeps so be intentional about what you’re listening to, this includes conversations.

As I write this I can hear the conversations around me, unintentionally, it’s important for me to protect my hearing.

That might sound funny but the physical and digital world around us breathes negativity so guard your ears.

Be intentional

about everything in your environment. Surround yourself with love and joy as much as possible.

For a limited time

This printable is available and there’s still time to download your copy.

See what other’s are sharing, we post it in our stories on Instagram.

Day 3/25 Merry Making Challenge

The question is…

How do YOU define joy?

What does it feel like to you?

We all want JOY but do we know what it looks like?

I think joy is a unique experience just like our DNA. Imagine sitting at a table with 100 people and they’re all asked to define joy.

You would end up with 100 different answers.

Ready for the task?

Below is the merrymaking task for day three and four. Remember to print the tree-tracker and follow along.


For a limited time

This printable is available to all of our fellow Mermaids check the community page. If you’re not a member click on the link above. This is for a limited time. We like to add new content to our community page.

25 Days Of Merry Making 2021

Making Merry

Might be the last thing on your mind when racing around but we’re hoping to ease your mind.

We’ll Be Sharing…

A combination of prompts or activities for you to do.

Maybe a self-care activity or words of inspiration.

The Goal Is

To visit the blog over the next 25 days until Christmas and see what’s in store. Or follow on Instagram for updates.

Scroll Below

To print your Christmas calendar.

Now you know we couldn’t make a Christmas blogpost without including a fun printable. If you’re a Mermaid check your inbox or visit our community page. If you’re not a Mermaid good news! I’ve included a link below and you can print/use then post your updates using #walk_inn_beauty because sharing is caring.

Day 1

Comment when you complete the task and visit our Instagram.

Day 2

Comment when you complete the task and visit our Instagram.

Thoughts to GROW by.

I appreciate thought provoking info-graphics

Especially when they help me deal with self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Here are a few of my favorites and a couple that I made up.

These are fun to share on Instagram and please tag me when you do. @hoomalamalama


“Grow where you are planted.”

I actually don’t know who created this saying but I appreciate that person.


I’ve heard this saying all my life but I added an after thought.

Just because you’re in a season you don’t have to like it. Just hold on and stay positive.


Another tried and tested saying.

Even when things aren't going so well I’ll read, watch or listen to a self-improvement lesson. Anything that will take my mind off my problems and allow me to expand my ideas.


I have to admit that the phrase, “Do it afraid” scares me but I know that it’s extremely beneficial.

When you're facing tough times take a deep breath and connect with the source of your strength. Fo me it’s my ‘Ohana. What is it for you?

How to Level Up by Letting Go


We hear people talking about leveling up their life, lifestyle or life’s work but what about letting go to level-up? We often associate letting go with emotional stress or struggles but is there more to it? How can letting go influence or effect our finances, future opportunities or decision making abilities?

The sad truth is this… holding on to certain things can effect your ability to level up.

The reason hides behind one word, REGRET!

Often we hold on to something because we feel regret. Unfortunately regret can last a lifetime and embed itself into our mind, body and soul. If not addressed it will seep in and destroy all forms of love, self-appreciation and creativity. It’s a dark disease of the soul who opens the door to doubt and ungratefulness.

Regret: To feel sad or disappointed over something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity. [online dictionary]

I heard this analogy; The windshield on your car is big for a reason, to show you where you're going. However, the rearview window is tiny in comparison and gives you the opportunity to refer to what’s behind but only for a brief moment.

A person who lives in regret will always bring up the past, talk about unfinished projects that are no longer relevant and have trouble pivoting. I can relate because this was me for many years after my grandmother died. Then I realized she was all about her ‘Ohana, community and her bible. As long as I was loving my children (she loved children), building community and reading my bible I was making her proud. I didn’t have to move or build a monument to her name, I just had to love.

There’s hope!

Letting go is the practice of releasing to clear the clutter (it can be physical, spiritual or emotional) and make space for the things you desire. Basically to fulfill you purpose and LEVEL UP. I’m not going to cover how to let go because I wrote about it in previous post which I’ll link here on the blogpost.

I’m going to hope and assume that you’ve already let go and are ready to level up in your life, relationships and sharing your gift with the world.

How to Level Up

Make a List

List are helpful strategies to release the pressure from our brain. We often hold a lot in our thoughts but it won’t get done if you're not physically aware.

Writing stuff out makes us physically aware of what’s mentally happening.


Make Time

It’s not enough to have a level-up list of things you want to complete. If you’re not making time you will never achieve anything of value or worth.

Once you chose a place in your schedule to work on your level-up skills or plan then commit to a block of time.

It’s important that you're staunch about the time you set aside. If you don’t believe me then look in history, every person who made a significant contribution to society made time to make-it-happen.


Make Your Bed

This is the mother in me but I’m not alone in this. There were studies completed that proved the psychology of positive daily habits and how it boost ones potential. They noticed that people who got up and made their bed often achieved more in life.

A simple gesture creates the natural tendency to level up.


Make Yourself

Again this is the mom in me but take the time to make yourself pleasant and reflect the beauty within. Essentially I’m referring to our work-life during quarantine and how we got comfortable with complacency. Our whole culture shifted and it was okay to live in pajamas 24/7 because everyone else was.

Remember the goal is to level-up your life not anyone else’s.

I initially struggled getting all-dressed-up for my living room but it eventually paid off. I took my work more seriously because I was dressed for success.


Make It Happen

No one’s going to level-up for you but with consistency you’ll get there. The probability of you trying once and failing is 99.9% but if you tried 100times you will succeed at least once. And those odds aren’t terrible because it takes one moment to be wildly successful in health and wealth but you you have to be consistent.

When you show up for your dreams, goals and visions it will show-out for you.

Join our Tribe

We started a GOOD VIBES ONLY Tribe and community. To connect join using the link below because together we can bring more light into this world.

Stay Inspired

Rev. Elizabeth Kapua (Kamai) Mahaulu and Ho’omālamalama (me)


Having a planning system is key and it will change your life.

How to refresh and enrich your life.

Everything pleasant and wonderful about your life was first realized within your mind, embraced by your heart and felt through your body. Refresh and enrich from the inside out.
— Ho'omālamalama

As I share this message spring is in the air but the typical showers have turned into hail, windstorms and a cold front freezing my starter plants. I’ve always looked to nature to guide me into a space of mental nourishment but she seemed just as out-of-sorts as the rest of us. Which got me thinking, “How can I refresh and enrich my life, regardless of my surroundings?”

Many of my writings have been dedicated to designing a life with style while exploring holistic practices. In 2018 I wrote the Three R’s of SPRING, Feng Shui & Minimalism and my favorite Subconscious Curating. All of which were meant to explore spring and its affects on our mind and habits. But what if spring needs to reset and refresh?

Focus on what you can control.

I can’t control nature or the weather but I can control my emotions and energy. This is how I chose to refresh and enrich by creating an environment that will nourish my whole being.


Physical clutter is mental clutter.

Decluttering is probably the last thing on your list but our surroundings influence our wellbeing.

You can burn incense stick after incense stick but all that smoke will not move the clutter. You can “OM” until the cows come home but that won’t change that pile of random objects in your room.

First take care of your physical space and start with a clean slate. Also allowing natural light and plants will enhance a feeling of nourishment.



Set aside sacred space for you to refresh and enrich.

The second thing you’ll want to do is curate a specific area that will become your Drishti or focal point. [How to find your Drishti.] Keep this area dust free and minimal. Start with candlelight or soft accent lights.

I actually have repurposed birch tree branch and wrapped it with white Christmas lights. I sit by it while drinking my tea and reflecting the day. Gather pieces or pictures that nourish your soul but keep it simple.



Regular fitness has so many benefits.

Thirdly, you have to provide stress, worry and anxiety a way out of your system. Besides burning calories regular workouts can reduce certain levels of stress and anxiety.

When we’re stressed we block joy and nourishing feelings. Cardio, dance fitness, yoga, weight lifting and walking allows fresh oxygen to flow in. Bottom line BREATHE is the ultimate refresh and enrich stimulation.

Monthly Sessions

Our coaches Patience & Ho’o do their best to provide regular classes designed to support a women in all seasons of life. They created a “Tip Jar” so members can pay what they can afford. The goal is to provide a much needed service regardless of a woman’s bank account. They’re busy mom’s supporting growing children who understand life’s challenges.

If you’d like to learn more about our fitness program click on the link below and tell us a little bit about yourself. (Follow Walk_Inn_Beauty on Insta to see what we’re up to.)

30 Day’s of Podcasting

So we accepted the challenge to podcast daily. Click to hear what we’re talking about today.


How to influence positive change.


If you woke up every morning and did a 15min burst for one month you would create positive change in your body.

Now imagine that you called five friends and asked them to join you for the next month. They’ll experience positive change and it was all because of you.

Your positive energy influenced positive change in others.

That old saying, “Be the change that you want to see” is 100% true.

We need more influential people leading others through their examples. Which is opposite from social media which is full of fakery and filters.

I want to tell you, yes you, how significant and important you really are. It’s not a coincidence, you’re reading this blogpost.

Change will happen. How it happens and how you react determines your outcome.
— Ho'omālamalama

Step 1

Reflect on every person you admire.

What is it about that creator, author, actor, musician, educator, and so forth that you appreciate? Journal your answers.

I’m an admirer of Nainoa Thompson since meeting him back in the late 90’s. His tenacity pioneered the Hōkūle’a and opened the door for young Hawaiians to live their dreams.


Step 2

Why do you admire them?

Write down all the characteristics of that person(s). I’m asking you to dive deep into their temperament and nature.

We often admire individuals but don’t take time to consider why we think so highly of them.

I’ve always admired Oprah and then I started to ask myself why? Then I realized that it was her self worth. It helped me to cultivate my own.


Step 3

Do they have characteristics you would like to emulate?

After writing down the things you admire about them choose three that really stand out. What three do you resonate with?

The qualities we appreciate in successful people always come with a price. It could be in the form of a lesson, heartbreak, and even tragedy. Yet somehow they made it through and came out on top.

Learning from someone else’s experiences provides time-saving shortcuts.


Step 4

Become a student, learn, and embody.

If you obsess over good quality, good vibes, and good role models you’re likely to become one yourself.

No one is truly self made, each of us have a unique genome that we didn’t create but are the recipients of our ancestors. We embody their past experiences. On the same note we can add to our genes through learning. The new Information you gain becomes part of you and will influence the next generation.


Step 5

Character building takes time.

Continue the process of study, learn, embody and witness the unfolding of wonderful experiences.

If you want to improve your family life, work place, or beyond, you must embody positive change before it is able manifest in your environment.

We need more agents of positive change and I hope you're ready for the challenge.

November Challenge

  1. Positive Post Daily - Try to post one positive quote, word, or image daily in the month of November.

  2. Share & Influence - Share your favorite WholelisticFit post with someone. Find one with action steps and do it with them.

  3. Smile Often - When you drive practice smiling. Just hold a “happy thought” and drive. Resist the urge to frown.

Know your season.

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Sometimes the struggle we face isn’t outside forces, it might be coming from within. Perhaps this isn’t your season for writing a book, redesigning your closet, or running a mile everyday. My goal is to bring light to the subject of “seasons” and how it relates to your personal goals.

Like the moon we are only the reflection of a greater force.
— Ho'omālamalama

Let go of permanence.

Just like the moon and its many reflections from the sun, it will never be the same.

The moon is meant to orbit around the earth and if it didn't our very existence would end.

  • First of all we have to accept that we live in an instant society and the ancient practice of seedtime-and-harvest has taken a back seat to our technical world.

For example, you can have organic apples anytime of the year, it’s that simple.

However your body is a conduit of ancient cells whose DNA doesn't relate to the new nature of instant gratification. And somehow we forgot to listen to our bodies which causes us to struggle against our very nature.

Your body is designed to release. Perhaps you’ve held back feelings, hopes & dreams, and can’t move forward. You might be in a season of recovery.

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Change is organic.

A healthy river must flow, the ocean needs to move with every current, and the moon needs to rotate.

Nature is in balance when change is happening and sometimes it needs to autocorrect human interferences. [Global Warming]

  • Second, there are times when we resist change but resistance is futile. Change is bound to happen, no one can stop it.

I think about loved ones who’ve passed away. I can not change the past and resisting the reality will only prolong the pain.

Death and birth are natural. But it’s important that you take time to morn and then make intentional choices to heal.

You might be in a season of acceptance. This is a great time to receive help and healing.

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Create self-care rituals.

Being ambitious is awesome but if you’re skipping regular hydration, fitness sessions, nutrition, and skin care routines it will eventually effect you.

Having healthy routines is like depositing gold coins of health into your future bank account called, “the body.”

  • Third, if you feel physically and emotionally exhausted then pause and practice self-care. Be sensitive to the needs of your body.

Pain and weariness is how our body communicates with us. Address it before dis-ease [disease] settles into your body.

Educate your mind to understand how your body works and what types of food it requires. Spoil yourself with products that are safe for your skin type. [Read labels.]

You might be in a season of rejuvenation. Be considerate and enjoy this season.

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Gratitude journals open the heavens.

I know Im taking a lot of liberties in this statement but I can explain.

Everyone knows that gratitude is beneficial for attracting what you want and magnifying the good things in your life.

However, unless you’re writing it down you can not truly benefit from this practice.

  • Fourth, it’s the simple things in life that will make the biggest difference. Gratitude isn’t woo-woo but a strategical catalyst to attracting good things.

I strongly suggest that you grab a composition book or a fancy journal and start today.

If you’re feeling frustrated with life you might be in a season of realignment. This means that you need to focus on what you want.


Meditate on the power of your breath.

If you’ve read through the entire list and nothing resonated with you then it’s time to meditate.

Anyone, at any age, at any time can meditate. Find a comfortable seated position or lay flat on your back.

Then close your eyes and listen to your inhale and exhale.

Slow down and try counting down from five, four, three, two, and one.

  • Fifth, if you can’t figure out your season or why you’re still struggling then meditate.

Our inner struggles are tied to our subconscious and we have to take time to unravel these feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Tiny irritations can manifest into full blown outburst. PAUSE, you could be in a season of self-discovery and need time to reflect.

Find out about our wellness and self improvement sessions. Join our “Good Vibe Tribe” and get our Aloha Fri-Yay newsletter.

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What to do about uncertainty

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You’ll want to share this post with all of your loved ones.

Listen, we haven’t had much relaxation due to 2020’s list of upheaval’s and unrest.

There’s hope…

You are the hope.

I wanted to share a list of five tips to help you focus, despite the distractions.

Everything I’m sharing is from my personal observation and not meant to diagnose or treat anyone. Please understand that I, like you, have been sensing the changes in the air and want solutions.

Start Here

Read through the five tips and then listen to the corresponding podcast for details. Then post your comments here or on Instagram. If you want more support make sure you’re receiving the newsletter.


Love Potion Basics [5/5]


Imagine finding an antique book filled with old recipes but not just any type of cookery. Potions and concoctions to help you live your best life.

What if the table of contents read, “Recipes for… ”

  • JOY



And at the very bottom your eyes land on a bonus section called


Something inside of you is drawn to the chapter called LOVE and you turn to find it. You look at the recipe and realize that you have all the elements needed. In fact you can create your own magic.

The following is the five basic ingredients you’ll need to mix up a batch of LOVE UNLIMITED POTION.

May you live out each day with a passion that attracts the purest LOVE.
— Ho'omalamalama

5 Basic Ingredients Needed To Create Your Very Own

Love unlimited


  1. AWARENESS [1 Cup] The power of knowing. A deep perception that is rooted in your own beliefs regardless of the opinions of others. Meanwhile you’re observant of those around you.

  2. SELF RESPECT [1 Cup] Pride and confidence in oneself. Holding yourself with the highest esteem, believing that you are worthy of being treated well.

  3. AUTHENTICITY [1 Quart] The ability to live in the moment with conviction and confidence. Being genuine and representing your true nature no matter who is in your presences.

  4. GOOD RECEIVER [3 Tablespoons] When you’re able to accept generosity. Perhaps from others or from circumstances. Having the ability to know what a good thing is and obtain it.

  5. GRATITUDE [Pour Generously As Needed] A grateful heart is a gift unto itself. Most importantly it allows you to attract what you desire most in life. This ingredient is both grounding and a unique form of protection. Its protection is a shield of hope and we all know that hope-floats.

Create your



Previous Post 4/5

A Blessing For Moms


The cadence of your Intuition [4/5]

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CADENCE: a rhythmic sequence.

The best advice I ever received was, “Listen to your na’au.” In Hawaiian the word na’au has several meanings but in my situation it meant to, “listen to your intuition/gut.”

Your na’au isn’t swayed by marketing tactics or pressured by sales men over the phone. It’s connected to something deeper, your soul.

The trick is to tune out all the distractions and learn to trust what your gut/intuition is telling you. I’m sure you’ve experienced that feeling before.

I started a five part series called, “Create your own magic.” And the premise behind the post was to encourage us all to wake-up, get motivated and stop waiting for others to inspire us. We become our own cheerleader!

It’s interesting that the inspiration came just before the global pandemic which oddly enough is hitting some areas harder than others. The crazy part is that I live in one of the hardest hit states and life will never be the same. People are more suspicious and assume the worst through social distancing. It’s almost as if mistrust has permission and accepted as the norm. In fact I've read that there’s a “snitches app” where you can anonymously report someone you believe to be sick, even if they’re coughing because of an allergy.

Fear has gripped our communities and although I believe in preventive health measures I have witnessed a few extremes. Don’t get me wrong I totally understand the need for social distancing but I would rather more focus and dollars to be spent on unraveling the source. Why Wuhan?

Meanwhile we are left to find the pieces of a puzzle that has been tossed off the table. The puzzle is called stability. Hopefully you’ve been following the podcast as I address strategies to make your own magic and therefore creating stability because YOU are the defining variable. Below are the past three titles.


It’s not easy to listen to your own intuition because there are many distractions but here’s a clever way to clear the mental clutter by asking the following clarifying questions.

  1. What is my initial feeling about that situation or person? (Gut feeling)

  2. Why do I feel uncomfortable?

  3. What is the short term benefits?

  4. What are the long term benefits?

  5. Does this align with my goals?

Find the Cadence

Everything that endures follows a cadence, even Mother Nature follows a cadence. There’s a rhythm to life that finds harmony in the ebb and flow of life. The secret is understanding the current of your frequency then trusting that wave or intuition.

I don’t know my future but I understand the music of my soul. I know what resonates with me and stay away from the things that do not. Once you begin to trust your intuition you will connect to the music of your soul. In fact the reason you’re currently reading this is because your intuition has guided you here and I’m so happy you’re here.


Create Your Own Magic [1/5]



I would like to dedicate the coming five post to my Grandpa Tandal. As an immigrant with a hint of education he didn’t wait for handouts, figured things out and made mistakes along the way.

As a youth he got real sick and they pronounced him dead. He woke up in a mortuary and lived to tell the tale. In fact he was declaired “deceased” more than once.

He married one woman and even when she fell out of love wit him he refused to divorce her. Because he made a covenant before God.

The day you choose to LIVE, is the day you truly understand the MAGIC of intention.
— Ho'omalamalama

Start at the bottom.

I have no clue why people are afraid of going back to basics or starting from ground level. Not just when you’re a spiffy teen getting your first job but when you’re 40’ 50’ or 60’ and redefining yourself. Starting back at square one doesn’t mean you failed. Instead it’s a chance to recreate your dreams from scratch.

We weren’t meant to live linear lives such as…

  • Go to school.

  • Get a job.

  • Create Debt. (ex. house, car, student loans)

What happened to your dreams of owning an island, traveling the world or swimming with the dolphins? Each dream is doable but why aren’t you doing them?

I would like to share with you five observations that I learned from my grandpa and I hope they will serve you. Also join me as I continue the conversation on Instagram.


He didn’t have rich relatives or a benevolent government. Just his two hands and an unbelievable imagination. He built a business, bought homes in Hawaii and added his last name to seven children. Things were difficult and he made it through a war, prejudices and language barrier. And all he had was his two hands and an unbelievable imagination.


It’s your turn.

  1. What do you have in your possession right now that can’t be taken away, stolen or sold?

  2. Do you believe that challenges and crisis were meant to fuel your creativity?

  3. What are you good at that no one else can do?

  4. What would it look like if you took a chance on your gifts, talents or abilities?

  5. Who can you share this with?


Comment below who’s magic inspires you?

See you on the next post. PEACE Be The Journey

Live A Life Worth Living



The value equivalent to that of someone or something under consideration; the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated.


At the end of the day it really is all about you. Your likes and dislikes. The environment you thrive in and the ones you don’t.

Isn’t it ironic that as a child you knew what you did or didn’t like. Then as you got older something changed. You wanted to be liked and even loved.

So what happens next?

First of all stop doubting yourself. You’re brilliant and unique.


I was teaching a culture class to students from kindergarten to fifth grade and one thing stood out. Lack of self-awareness.

The crazy part is that they know what they like but once peer pressure sets in they forget. With each birthday they become less of their individual personalities and more of a blended mindset.

After observing this pattern I noticed that the ones who did well had a strong sense of self. Maybe from their parent(s) or grandparent(s) but they were completely in touch with their personalities.

In an effort to help them I created a few printable(s) for self discovery. I’ve included them below and if you want to use them visit the membership page where all of the current PDF’s live. If you’re not a member join on the link below.



When healing is the goal + PDF

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It’s never easy to heal but always necessary.

I remember getting hurt and my Dad taking care of the wound… OUCH! Why was the healing process so painful, yet important?

If the wound wasn’t cleaned it would have become infected and caused other complications. Which is exactly what happens with emotional pain and unresolved heartaches. But how does one heal from emotional scars and bruises?

Trust, Love and Know thyself, this is all a part of the healing process.
— Ho'omalamalama

Well I’m no psychiatrist but I do know what emotional pain feels like. I also hold close the advice from my grandmother, “The answer is within!” Which inspired me to create the PDF below. It’s a combination of helpful prompts to draw from the well of your subconscious.

I truly believe that we have the antidote to our misfortune. The keys to unlock our healing and provide safe passage through this thing called LIFE. And with that I hope you will join me and re-align ourselves with JOY.

Grab the free PDF


Limited Offer

To Inspire You


To Encourage You


Is there a holistic side to money?


Have you noticed

That gaining, earning or consuming money is always a hot topic.

Before I dive deeper let’s figure out what holistic means.

Holistic: "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts" expresses the essence of holism, a term coined by the South African general and statesman Jan Smuts in 1926. 

What’s the relationship to money?

We often think of money as purely physical. Something you see and feel. However holistic refers to mind, body and soul.. the whole.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
— Thomas Edison

Money’s Roots

Originally money was a form of transaction between people agreeing on an exchange of value. Yet today it can represent corruption, greed and misappropriation. Which are completely opposite of wholeness, connection and unity.

So how can money be holistic?

Is it possible to feel whole when looking at your bank account?

The Real Problem

Money is never the problem, it’s who’s managing it. If someone feels anxious, jittery or uncomfortable when thinking about money then the remedy would be to learn its purpose and how to manage it.

If someone experiences the sinking hole of debt then the remedy would be to learn how to manage it.

If someone has an unlimited cashflow but wants to ensure a luxe lifestyle then the remedy would be to learn how to manage it. Even if they hire someone, they should always know their numbers.


The Holistic Side To Money

I took you down the rabbit hole above to make a point which is MANAGEMENT. When you properly manage your finances it will grant you …

  • Peace Of Mind

  • Ability To Give

  • Donate Where You Desire

  • Experience Security

  • Have Time To Enjoy Life

  • Take Care Of Your Needs

  • Invest In Your Mind

  • Know That “Every Little Thing Is Going To Be All Right!”

That list sounds holistic to me, what about you? It’s funny how a tiny subject like money can disrupt our life or add value to it. The real question is, “How are you managing your money?”

There’s Hope!

I have a list of my favorite resources and services…

  • Financial Peace University, Dave Ramsey - Great for debt cancellation, taking responsibility for poor financial decisions and money discipline. Best for employees.

  • Cardone University, 10X Grant Cardone - Great for increasing wealth and tapping into your money genius. Best for entrepreneurs.

  • Side Hustle, Chris Guillebeau - Great for boosting your creativity and money making skills.

  • Network Marketing, Russell Brunson, Great for people who like direct sales such as Mary Kay.

I’m not making a cent from suggesting these, should you purchase, but they are what I’ve used.

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Women are the real Santa's


Who’s the real Santa?

Over time I’ve come to believe that Santa is really a Woman. Who never seeks to gain recognition, often remaining anonymous.

Just for once…

I’d like to celebrate the real hero I mean heroine of the holiday spirit. Long live Women who make this season merry and bright.

Why not host a party?

A soirée for the real Santa’s to have fun. A bubble in time that will belong to them.

For years I’ve observed as women race around looking for deals, staying up late wrapping, crafting and sewing, making some extra money just to see the smiles on their children’s faces. Women add the warmth of the holiday through decorations and special treats. It’s women who track the naughty or nice list and at the end of it all, she’s often tired and everyone runs off to enjoy their gifts.

Here’s my big idea!

  1. First I found a local venue with a cozy feeling.

  2. Then I shared the idea with a couple of other female business owners.

  3. Once they were on board I asked them to help me sponsor the event.

  4. Finally I created all the marketing and am sending out invitations, digitally.

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You Should Host One

Then tag us when you do. #WholelisticFit

Well I can’t wait to see who joins me and I’ll be sure to take pictures and post them on Instagram.


Nature's Top 3 Beauty Secrets

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Nature is…






and more adjectives then I care to type but you get the point.

It has so much to offer.

Besides the air we breathe, or landscape we daydream about Nature is full of secrets. I’m going to share three that I’ve observed over time.

Side note, remember to visit the Instagram page for daily motivational post.


  1. Never Compare - You’ll never notice a tree envious of another.

  2. Adjust To Seasons - Everything in the natural world changes.

  3. Stand In Your Truth - Self awareness is the most powerful sense any human can poses.

I wanted to get right into the heart of this blogpost because you deserve to know the truth. Now that I’ve shared these they are no longer secrets. It’s up to you in to incorporate them into your life. And if you need help checkout our mastermind.

“25 Day’s Of Merrymaking”

Task 5 and 6

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25 Day Printable

Every time you complete one of the twenty-five task you can put a sticker on that day. Keep in mind that this is intended to be fun and full of small wins. This PDF is available for a limited time.

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