Strive to reach the highest.

Kūlia i ka nu’u


Be Bold

Be Proud

Be Firm

Be Brave

Be Valiant




Do it afraid!


Be Flexible

Be Curious

Be Adventurous

Be Hopeful

Be Confident





With great spirit and fortitude one can truly achieve Kūlia I ka nu’u.
— Ho'omālamalama (Hawaiian quote attributed to Queen Kapi'olani)

Sunsets @ Kohala

I took this picture while watching the sunset near Kohala, thinking about the future. When an old saying came to my mind, “Kūlia i ka nu’u!” Roughly translated, strive for the pinnacle or highest.

Prayers in the wind

So many of our ancestors prayed these words into the wind, hoping it would find our ears and rest on our hearts. Not to settle but become the best.

To overcome adversity, achieve good things and leave a legacy. 

Kū: To stand and rise up.

Nu’u: The highest point.

What does it all mean?

New possibilities

For me it is the seed and source of why I became a holistic fitness and lifestyle coach. I wanted to become a catalyst for positive change and help others Kūlia i ka nu’u. To follow in the steps of the healers within my family but through a different path. One that would involve a dance style other than Hula and incorporate multimedia platforms instead of the lauhala matted floors of a hale. (Lauhale: weaving material. Hale: house)

creating a “Good Vibes Only Tribe”

Through dance fitness I see women groove without a care while burning calories. They begin to feel positive changes within their bodies. With mindfulness prompts and coaching I witness how they manifest goals. But the best part is hearing how their lives are inspiring others.

For Native Women & their Community

I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with SPIPA and serve the women of Chehalis, Nisqually, Shoalwater Bay, Skokomish and Squaxin Island. With their support I created a coaching program which includes in-person, live-stream, blog post, podcast, fit journal and so much more.

You don’t have to be enrolled in a tribe to join our tribe. (aka ‘Ohana)

The program is called WholelisticFit, “Fitness for your mind, body and soul.” The goal is to create a holistically fit-minded community.

Kūlia i ka nu’u…


The confusion behind MOTIVATION


As a holistic lifestyle & fitness coach or HLFC I try to keep our members motivated. My brain would be filled with ideas, events and challenges to motivate the ladies in our group. I started simple with, “Hey come join” which turned into a whole production.

  • Monthly Challenges

  • Giveaways & Prizes

  • Swag Bags & Gifts

  • Group Coaching

  • 1:1 Coaching

  • Text Reminders

  • DM Reminders

  • Posting Reminders

I started to wonder, “Why are so many excited in the beginning but dwindle down in the end?” Am I not motivating them enough?

Then I remembered something about myself, I needed to drink more water but wasn’t motivated. So I bought a fancy water jug, got a water-drinking app and an accountability partner but none of that worked. I knew I had to do it but didn’t have the motivation. Until… I started working out regularly. I was so thirsty during and after my fitness session that I started to CRAVE water.

What’s even more interesting is the definition of MOTIVATION: the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. Needless to say but that definition gave me a real “Aha” moment.

The REASON we do anything is the reason we’ll do a-thing.
— Ho'omalamalama

The REASON is your WHY!

If you’re not following through with something it might be because you don’t have a strong WHY. Our WHY anchors us to the reason we work, build, create, love, etc.

MOTIVATION: the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.

What is your reason, what is your why???

I’m driven to understand the psychology behind our WHY and wrote several blogpost on the subject. What’s funny is that I assume that I’ve exhausted the WHY topic but am able to dig up something new.

How strong is your WHY - here

Why self-care and selfish should go together. - here

Will your WHY stand the test of time? - here [Same as the 1st]

Interactive Learning

Below are the five mind-shift steps you can do to find your WHY and switch from survive to thrive. Click on the podcast link to dive deeper as I explain each step in detail. It might not make any sense at the moment but trust me, the podcast explains it all. Enjoy the journey!


Have you red the recent blogpost? It’s dedicated to the MMIW movement and how you can become an ally. Learn more here.

Unofficial "Empath Quiz"

You’d be surprised

to know that many individuals who are empaths might not be aware. And if they are aware they might feel uncomfortable about revealing it to others.

  • Mana suckers can pickup empath vibes. (Mana: strength in Hawaiian)

  • Empath’s daily schedule can be affected by others.

  • A non-empath isn’t affected.

So relax, take the quiz & comment on Instagram.

There’s a beautiful side to being an empath and I hope to bring light and joy to an important gift.

This blog post should NOT be taken as medical or phycological advice. It’s for informational and educational purposes only. Please see a licensed professional.
— WholelisticFit and Ho'omalamalama

Empath Quiz

Simply Answer YES or NO

The Following questions are meant to bring awareness and open your mind to the possibilities of being an Empath. Have fun and maybe include family members and friends.

1. I sense and feel things that I can’t explain, somehow my “gut feeling” is usually right.


2. I want to heal, help and restore others. It’s often at my own expense.

3. I adore nature and feel strongly connected to a certain places.


4. I dislike bullies or people who take advantage of others, I crave justice.

5. You kinda deal with imposter syndrome and you don’t know how wonderful you really are.


If you answered “YES” to all five questions then it’s likely that you could be an empath. Congrats.


Acknowledging your gift 🎁 is the beginning of a beautiful journey because denial only brings regret and shattered dreams. When you deny being an empath you’re unconsciously opening the door to being used, misunderstood and overwhelmed. You’ll spend your days regretting missed opportunities since you were consumed by someone else’s drama. Who consciously wants that life?

Once you accept your gift you’ll understand how and why you should protect it. You’ll become aware of intentions and will be able to navigate through relationships.

Becoming a Ninja Empath was my way of explaining to my son that he needed to protect his heart, mind and emotions. I want him to develop a healthy self image.

Something NEW

When I started writing this series I had no idea of its depth. The mother in me longs to protect my children but I realized that I need to teach them how to protect themselves. Learning self defense should be included with the ABC’s of reading. It should be elementary. (wink wink) That last line was a nod to Sherlock Holmes fans.

The blogpost has inspired a new online class I’m calling, “Empath E-Course” which is an empath’s self defense training. If you’d like more information visit the SHOP page or sign up for our newsletter.

One day or day one


I was sitting at my make-shift desk in an empty classroom waiting for inspiration. Do you know what that feels like? Waiting for the right emotion or a clear sign from the heavens to make my next move. Then I realized all this waiting isn’t changing my circumstances. In fact nothing changed because I didn’t take action.

Walking away from the unknown and taking responsibility can be daunting but what have you got to loose?

Seriously, do you like where you are?

I was self-coaching my brain into accepting a new mindset. Below are the steps I chose to follow and you’re welcomed to use them and PLEASE comment below your thoughts or if you have an extra step.

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Finding mentors is the quickest way to making positive and long-lasting change. Let’s face it, DAY ONE in any situation can summon up fear and resistance. The best thing you can do, if you find yourself in this situation, is to ask for help.

When looking for mentors or helpful advice NEVER get it from anyone who's struggling. Sure they know how to identify a bad situation but if they’re still in it then they can’t be of any assistance to you.


Taking action is a powerful first step. I use to hear people quote bible scriptures but never act on the advice they preached. Once you add movement to your desire it will boost your self esteem, which is important.

You are undertaking something new and have to be patient with yourself. Little moments of celebration helps boost confidence, eventually aiding you in completing bigger task.


Putting the pressure on paper is and old technique my mom taught me. My childhood mind was very active and I often overburdened my parents with over-the-top questions. Writing down my thoughts and ideas help me to see, gather and compute my busy mind.

  • See, visually looking at my thoughts gave me perspective.

  • Gather, ideas that shared common goals or related in some form.

  • Compute, decide what should I focus on at the moment. What do I have control over.

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Take immediate action and feel the pleasure of marking one item off your list. This is the best feeling and it’s kind of addictive. Once you start marking things off you’ll want to do more. Pace yourself.

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At the end of a week or month, after you’ve exhausted all of your energy and still have things on your list, consider engaging with a professional. Coaches come in all forms and genre.

Google characteristics of your ideal coach. [Ex: Fit Mom Coach] Check out their social platforms and ask yourself, “Does this person resonate with me?”

Other questions to consider:

  1. Do you connect with their message?

  2. Do they inspire you?

  3. Can you learn from them?

Once you’ve decided on a few potential coaches contact them. When you choose a coach be very clear and don’t assume anything. Clarity is important and you have to share your expectations and overall goals.

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Good Vibe Tribe

I started an e-newsletter because it seemed like the right thing to do. Then I was stuck, thinking that I had nothing to share and realized, “People need good vibes!” So my goal is to grow a GOOD VIBE TRIBE and share meaningful content to help my digital community.

There’s always the chance of a random newsletter coming through but generally I send them out every Aloha Fri-yay because it’s my favorite day of the week.

Below is a program I created for Squaxin Island’s SPIPA program. Super excited to work with families from local PNW tribes.

If you’re interested in my programs join the tribe.


How to overcome energy draining people.



you can overcome something you have to identify it. Ask yourself, “What drains my energy?” Is it…

  • Stress

  • Lack of sleep.

  • Poor eating habits.

  • Irregular moon-time.

  • Job

  • Lack

  • Self doubt.

Pause and write down everything that makes you feel tired.

Then come back to the blog.

Consider this

Do any of your answers connect to a person? Is it one person or many? If the person is “YOU” then that’s a quick fix but if it’s anyone else there’s one complicated solution and it will take time.

  1. First of all we create emotional ties to people who might not reciprocate the feelings or share our mutual respect. Go back to your list and think about the circumstances or people who are connected to the negative energy you’re feeling. Have you, without their knowledge, put an expectation on them that they’re unaware of?

  2. Secondly, our JOY is woven into the fabric of our soul and it’s a great indicator for your internal compass. You see JOY is not the same as HAPPY because one is the bubbling over of your inner wellbeing and the later can be fabricated. For example someone gives you $1,000 and you’re happy then they take it away and you’re sad. Your mood was directly affected in moments and that is not JOY. In fact it’s the opposite and you feel blessed either way. Has someone affected your ability to dwell in JOY?

  3. Third and final is your ability to reflect and do a soul-check. That’s when you scan your emotions, energy levels and track your habits to see what it uncovers. We all need to practice this because it keeps us grounded. This is why I admire Asian tea drinking communities who end each day with a cup of tea as they reflect. You can journal your feelings and thoughts at the end of each day. My Mom say’s, “Put the pressure on paper!”

Put the pressure on paper!
— Mapuana Tandal

Mental Health = Managing Energy

The best way to overcome energy draining people or circumstances is to learn to manage and identify your flow. Feeling tired, moody or irritated are indicators and if you don’t pay attention to them you’ll loose control one incident at a time.

Below I made a video of my ‘Ohana being themselves and playing to encourage you to play, laugh and enjoy the little things in life.

Top 3 Tips

  1. Identify

  2. Reflect

  3. Adjust

If you can practice the following three things I mentioned and surround yourself with likeminded people it will make a world of difference in your longevity. Remember that stress can morph into a physical ailment so you have to manage your energy and keep that in check. Which is why I started a mastermind, to keep my eyes on the prize.


Why our Elder's prayed often and we should too.


You’re probably

familiar with a Disney movie where an alien and a troubled girl find solace in their disfunction. You’ll hear the main character say, “‘Ohana means family…”


language has more depth and a single word can take you years to explore. For example ‘Ohana. I will share the translation I grew up with.

‘Ohana means


Pule ‘Ohana

Our Na Kupuna, elders, would call us together and say, “Hele mai, ‘ohana” and we knew that they wanted to pray. We came from all over and sat huddled. Children on the floor, parents in chairs and babies in the arms of someone. Our eyes wide with anticipation and silently waiting for their mana’o or wisdom.

I’m sitting on my Mama’s lap. Picture taken by my Auntie Nalani of Big Island.

I’m sitting on my Mama’s lap. Picture taken by my Auntie Nalani of Big Island.

Why they prayed…

If we were celebrating and someone was going to leave the party they would pray to send them off and those who would follow. They knew that time was precious and we are not guaranteed to see one another.

If someone shared urgent news and sought the wisdom of our Kupuna to guide them. Maybe they were applying for a new job, parenting issues or trying to conceive.

If their own intuition guided them to pray they would call whomever was around and ask them to pray in agreement. This could happen at 12pm or 12am, depending on their na’au or gut feeling. (Intuition)

Why we should pray…

Because our day’s are shrouded with confusion and misinformation. Prayer grounds us and offers clarity.

Because we need relief from the mental strain and stress that’s slammed in our faces daily. We can offer our concerns and release it to the heavens.

Because it’s healthy to believe in something higher than our own selves, to elevate our minds.

Because prayer unites us in empathy towards one another. When we lift the needs of other we inevitably lift ourselves. It’s and act of love to pray for the needs of others while not expecting anything in reward.

  • Grounding

  • Clarity

  • Release

  • Healthy

  • Elevate

  • Empathy

  • Love

I never heard of a person, who in their last breath said, “I wish I prayed less.”
— Ho'omalamalama

When is it a good time to pray?



To gather in one mind.

Momentum happens when everyone has one thought in mind. For example before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. many sought for equality but it took one person to ‘Ohana and gather everyone to one purpose. Once united anything is possible.

I would have loved to hear the prayers that were said before they marched on Washington DC in 1964. That must have been powerful! We’ve all seen or heard Dr.MLK Jr’s speech but I want to hear the ‘Ohana that happened before he stepped out onto the podium.

Imagine the elders circling around him and praying fervently.

It’s not religious.

Prayer was never meant to be religious. It’s our right as human beings to pray, to gather, to ‘Ohana.

Last week.

I’m closing off my mastermind by the end of January 2021 and might open it up later. (Might) If you want to take your self-improvement, self-development or business to the next level you should join us.


Do you have a group you can trust?

Find likeminded individuals and form your own prayer circle. Make sure that they don’t gossip or spread rumors. I know of groups who disguise themselves a prayer partners but all they do is gossip. Be careful. If someone is quick to talk about another person to you… believe that they’re talking about you to someone else.


Why self-care and selfish should go together.


Let’s remove the guilt

and start embracing the importance of self-care. And “yes” putting everything on pause can sound selfish. But what’s wrong with that?

It’s not like I’m suggesting that you let children go hungry, ignore the home, forget to return important calls or leave a burning pot on the stove.

You need this!

With all the stress and ugly in the world you need time and a place to refresh.

Blessed is she who knows her worth and is esteemed, WOMAN is her kind.
— Hoomalamalama

Think about the check engine light on your dashboard and imagine that you’re too busy to fix it, leaving the task for tomorrow. Eventually tomorrow becomes a week, then a month. Without warning, while you’re driving to an important event, the engine starts smoking and it stalls. Right in the middle of a four way traffic sign

Your initial attitude is frustration, anger and blame but it warned you. Is that really fair?

Intentional Self-Care

Intentional self-care is making time for your self and not letting anything get in your way. If an emergency should occur, take care of it then return to your plan. (As soon as it’s possible.)

Don’t expect people around you to understand. Why? Because most humans care about things that involve them and your self-care routine doesn’t and it shouldn’t include anyone but you.

You’re not meant to share this moment with anyone and you need to be selfish. This is a sacred time set aside to nourish and protect your greatest investment… your body. (Mind and soul included.)

Plan it, Do it, Done

We can talk all day about what we want to do but doing is so much better. The previous blogpost I wrote about keeping your promises. I was referring to the promise you make to yourself. If you plan to do something, do it!

Below is a few pages from my 2021 planner spread and my theme was terrarium. It represents an ideal environment where I am the creator of its anatomy.

Mālama Kou Kino

If you take care of your body it will take care of you. It really is that simple.

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Answer the prompts in the comment section below. Take action and be proactive.

  • What does self-care look like to you?

  • When will you start implementing, “Mālama Kou Kino?”

Special Invitation

I’m opening up my mastermind after two years. If you would like to experience what sitting in a conversation with generational wisdom feels like join us.


Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 18

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Have you noticed

How we talk ourselves out of a good idea because we’re too busy thinking about everyone else?

Why not focus on the positive nature of going on an adventure. Don’t think about money, bills or needing a pet-sitter. Skip all the debilitating details and dream a little.

List the benefits

You would experience while on your adventure. Feelings, experiences and what would you eat or wear?

Level up

Add a little style to this idea and make a vision board. Design it with all the elements, colors and words to represent your amazing adventure.


I’m an artist who teaches and appreciates other artist. Here’s a snippet of an event I took my children to where they met renown Polynesian artist who were visiting the Pacific Northwest. Art is Life

Join Me

Ready for more


Regardless of whatʻs happening in the world we still have dreams, desires and goals.

I bet youʻre ready for more and tired of how things have been going.

Sure youʻre making the most of life but by now Netflix has lost its charm and the kitchen isnʻt your idea of a date-night.

Iʻm referring to living the quarantine life.

So whatʻs a bright, vivacious and energetic woman suppose to do?

Iʻll tell you what she does… she dances HULA with other vivacious and energetic women.

It all started…

When I received a message, along with other co-workers, that all the schools in Washington state were closed until further notice. The uncertainty we felt that day didnʻt melt away, in fact itʻs still present months later. Our current situation poses some difficulties but thatʻs when we dig deep and create a solution. The bottom line, WE NEED A SOLID FOUNDATION, but how do we create one?

Un-ease is the undercurrent that steals the sands of peace from the shores we stand upon. Awareness is key and it allows us to find a solid rock and take a stand.
— Hoʻomalamalama

Hereʻs how…

My Kupuna, great-grandmother, modeled an important life lesson. When in doubt, unsure or stuck you should move. Lol, it was really that simple for her. From her wise perspective no good comes from worrying or wondering so get up and move.

This is a woman, who with her young children witnessed the bombing of Pearl Harbor. They were headed to church in Honolulu on a beautiful Sunday morning when the attacks happened. She scurried to gather her children and look for shelter. The following months were scary and full of fear yet she kept moving.

We are like the Moana and a healthy ocean must keep moving.

Following her lead…

My mind reconnected to her stories and I thought to myself, “We have to keep moving.” So I texted a few friends/co-workers and asked if they wanted to workout with me. You see I work at a school as a culture teacher and run my wellness business in the evenings and on the weekend. So I organized our sessions and we were off and sweating.

It started as something to do then became a way to hold sacred space for each women. Hula offered them a place to heal and feel supported. The connections theyʻve made helped them to break through barriers of isolations and sorrow. And when I took a survey I asked, “Do you want to continue?” They all said, “More Hula Please!!!”

Now comes the biggest question of all, How do I support this because that takes time from me and time is money. In all honesty I donʻt have the answer but for now itʻs helping my fellow human being. Teachers are finding their fit-life and joy, mothers are working out and scheduling more “ME TIME” which is important. Theyʻre all finding a flow with holistic lifestyle but not alone, weʻre doing it together.

Do you want more?

Start with movement. Take a random stroll and listen to the birds.

We can not change the world but we can improve what happens within and that’s a good place to start. So why not take it to the NEXT LEVEL and help just one person. Think of someone who could use a community like this where holistic lifestyle and Hula go hand in hand. Who would that be?

Sometimes as women we’re just waiting for an invitation. Who can you invite? Whose life can you help improve through this connection? Send them this blog.

Beautiful Bees and the amazing things they do.


For the love of bees…

They are an extraordinary creatures and my favorite in the insect category. As a child I tried to keep one as a pet, so sorry Mr. Bee.

Along with their extended history with human kind, dating back thousands of years, is a tiny bug with a giant presences. It provides sweetness, organic medicine, healing properties and overall wellness.

Instead of sharing my words I wanted to compile a list of other respected bloggers and articles.


Beeswax Candles

Do beeswax candles really clean the air?

Pure Beeswax Candles on the other hand burn with almost no smoke or scent and clean the air by releasing negative ions into the air. These negative ions can bind with toxins and help remove them from the air. ... Beeswax candles also burn more slowly than paraffin candles so they last much longer.

Are beeswax candles healthier?

Beeswax candles are healthy to burn in your home. Beeswax candles are hypo-allergenic, and can actually improve air quality! They burn with little to no smoke or scent and clean the air when lit. Made from a renewable resource, beeswax is also biodegradable, making it a healthy choice for the environment too


What are the benefits of honey?

Here are the top 10 health benefits of honey.

  • Honey Contains Some Nutrients. ...

  • High-Quality Honey Is Rich in Antioxidants. ...

  • Honey Is "Less Bad" Than Sugar for Diabetics. ...

  • The Antioxidants in It Can Help Lower Blood Pressure. ...

  • Honey Also Helps Improve Cholesterol. ...

  • Honey Can Lower Triglycerides.



Is beeswax healthy for the skin?

Beeswax Benefits & Uses

  • Treats Diaper Dermatitis, Psoriasis and Eczema. Beeswax is a great choice for many skin conditions. ...

  • Moisturizes Skin. ...

  • Protects the Liver. ...

  • Lowers Cholesterol Levels. ...

  • Relieves Pain and Is Anti-Inflammatory. ...

  • Clears Acne. ...

  • Heals Dry, Cracked Lips. ...

  • Reduces Stretch Marks

Is it good for wrinkles?

Beeswax is an exceptional natural alternative to mineral oil. ... Plus, beeswax contains vitamin A which has been proven in multiple studies to reduce wrinkles and age spots while re-hydrating and reconstructing damaged skin cells.

Is there a “fake” honey?

Fake honey is generally some honey mixed with other sugar syrups. These syrups come from plants like sugar cane, corn, or rice. They can be cheaper and easier to produce than honey.

How to check if your honey is pure or fake?

Fake or adulterated honey will dissolve in the water while pure honey which has a more dense texture will settle right at the bottom of the glass as lumps. The same is the case with blotting paper or a white cloth. If you pour pure honey on the two, it will not get absorbed or leave stains.

Become a member

Join our newsletter and get exclusive printable(s) that promote love, self-care and wellness for you and your Ohana. These PDF sheets are a fun way to reconnect with family as it opens the door to good vibes.

Each printable is an adventure for the mind, body and soul.


When healing is the goal + PDF

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It’s never easy to heal but always necessary.

I remember getting hurt and my Dad taking care of the wound… OUCH! Why was the healing process so painful, yet important?

If the wound wasn’t cleaned it would have become infected and caused other complications. Which is exactly what happens with emotional pain and unresolved heartaches. But how does one heal from emotional scars and bruises?

Trust, Love and Know thyself, this is all a part of the healing process.
— Ho'omalamalama

Well I’m no psychiatrist but I do know what emotional pain feels like. I also hold close the advice from my grandmother, “The answer is within!” Which inspired me to create the PDF below. It’s a combination of helpful prompts to draw from the well of your subconscious.

I truly believe that we have the antidote to our misfortune. The keys to unlock our healing and provide safe passage through this thing called LIFE. And with that I hope you will join me and re-align ourselves with JOY.

Grab the free PDF


Limited Offer

To Inspire You


To Encourage You



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5 Ideas to add daily fun to fall, aka autumn.

Where I live in the Pacific Northwest FALL usually means cloudy days, rain and a strong windchill blowing through. Gone are the sun warming days of summer. Hello cold.


Offer a beautiful distraction from the gloomy weather and an occasional PSL can give you the perfect boost. But what happens when all the gold is gone?

There’s hope!

I’m going to share five ideas to keep you motivated while you wait for summer.

Rural living or city life, this will benefit you.

Genuine happiness is an inner Being quality, one that is nourished by your outwardly view.
— Ho'omalamalama
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We spend too much time looking down.

We look down at our phone, bills, problems, co-workers, relationships, children.

What if we paused long enough to look up?

Look at the clouds, birds and smile because you’re alive!

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Breath is powerful and you can tell a lot about a person based off of this.

Slow deep calm breathing means I’m relaxed.

Quick short breathing can mean anxious or upset.

You can literally change your mood by changing your breathing pattern. And smile.

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Instant fun! Seriously, because this opens the door to freedom.

And what better experience is there in life than FREEDOM.

The human experience wasn’t meant for limitations. It’s a chance to try new things.

Fall is the perfect season for creating NEW adventures.

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The hustle is great but it isn’t everything. You have to commit to non-work related activities.

Give yourself permission to create, dance, sing, explore because the skies the limit.

Self-care happens when you nourish the little child you once were.

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Don’t settle for drab, mundane or ordinary. Have you seen the night sky on a dark autumn eve?

It’s a glorious thing to experience the nuances of lighting. What will the heavens reveal?

Tell me in the comments below which of the five you tried.


If you’re not a member of my holistic fit community join on the link below. Ohana means family and I believe that your wealth is in your health. It’s completely free and you’ll get to livestream with me for fitness.

  • Shopping List

  • Meal Plans

  • Fit Challenges

  • Workout Ideas

  • LIVESTREAM - during the month of November I’ll be doing 5-Days/5-Min sessions.

  • Facebook Community

FLOW with ME

Walk Inn Beauty Mastermind


  • Who Am I (Reflection)

  • 5 Realms Of Beauty

  • Clarity = Certainty

  • 7 Levels Deep

  • 1 Attitude To Rule Them All

  • Bowl Of Light

  • Alignment & Anchoring

  • Congratulations 🎊

WIB Mastermind: 3/90min Sessions

  • Join a LIVE session with other members.

  • Leverage the collective genius.

  • This includes a 45 minute creative boost.

  • Creative Boost - You have to experience it.

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Nature's 5 Secrets to Walk In Beauty


What can we learn from nature? After all we are the masters of this planet! However sickness is on the rise, mental illness is growing rapidly and many things are left untreated or misdiagnosed.

So what can we learn from nature?

Have you ever watched a caterpillar or millipede in wonderment? All those tiny legs moving in unity.  Perhaps you fell victim to the lull of a flowing stream and stared aimlessly. Either way nature is calling for you to observe and learn how to WALK IN BEAUTY. 

It's a fascinating past time, observing plants, clouds and animals. Here are 5 things you can learn... 

Our footprints have the ability to become a sad reminder or joyful celebration of our time here on earth.
— Ho'omalamalama

Keep in mind that these are my views and I would love to hear your observations. In fact you can always comment below. (wink, wink)


To learn more about NATURE'S ability to teach us, check out chapter 9 & 10 in my eBook, "Walk In Beauty." Click here.



Main Dish

Tomato salad, Sesame Oil, Yakima Smoked Sea Salt, Alfalfa [Kimchi in the other dish.]


Canned Salmon (made by my friend) resting on a bed of Kale. No seasoning required.


Steamed Sweet Potato with Furikake seasoning and Sesttle's Theo Chocolate. 70% cacao. 



TOP 5 Blog Post

For your reading pleasure...

Here are my TOP 5 blog post since I started blogging as WholelisticFit. If you would like to know more about me & what I look like, click here.

Shhh... I'm also going to let you in on a little secret, I will be focusing more on Walk In Beauty and making a few changes to this site. Stay tuned.


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More information on the link below, PEACE Be the Journey.


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When Caterpillar's refuse to become Butterflies.


Have you ever resisted something?

or you were faced with change and it felt uncomfortable.

Maybe letting go of something that’s comfortable to be confronted with an unknown risk?

Story Time

Once there was a field of caterpillars, of every shape and size. Each one excited to someday have their glorious prize.

A pair of wings like no other, with patterns to capture sunlight. But the thought of growing wings made a few feel uncomfortable and downright uptight.

"Calm down," said the senior Monarch, as he helped to ease their pain. "This change you fear is already near and you'll have nothing but joy to gain. The freedom to fly has no equal!" And with that they were gleeful. 

Settling into their chrysalis, they understood change is significance.


The greatest of adventures aren’t in the destination but the journey to get there. EnJOY the journey.
— Ho'omalamalama

Let’s Shift

Have you ever said, "I'm IN!" to realize that you might have taken on more than you can handle? [Let's all raise our hands in unity.] Don't feel bad, just keep moving. Often our first reaction to challenge is euphoric, that initial impulse of, "I CAN DO ANYTHING!" and you can. It's that same fearless attitude we had as children the difference is that we grew up. 

Unfortunately our adult-self has thoughts of negativity and limitations. We have the ability to fly but going into the chrysalis of change seem overwhelming. What if we remembered that wings of freedom are in our DNA. Is that enough to motivate us into positive change?

We have less restraints as our ancestors and more time saving tools at our fingertips. Today is a good day to take action on an idea, fitness program, new recipe, you name it. What areas in your life are waiting to sprout wings?______________________________________ [comment below]






In previous blogpost I've shown you some of my homemade recipes for quick and easy FIT-FOODIE meals. Today I want to show you the fun side, I'm talking cupcakes and macaroons. Our weekends are called OHANA-TIME [family] which translates into relaxation, outings and treats. One of our favorites is a place called Trophy Cupcakes in Seattle. On a sunny day we'll pack a lunch, grab a few cupcakes and head towards Golden Garden Park

As a Mom I don't hide sweets from my Kamali'i [little ones] but I try my best to find the best. I look for locally sourced or organic products. I swoon over treats made in the PNW with an attention to Fair Trade and Quality assurance.    


This particular trip my Sister & I took our Mom to one of our fave spots. It just so happened to be our cheat-day. [Yippee for cheat-day's!!!] I'm so proud of my Mom, she's been doing ah-mazing on her WholelisticFit journey.


You'll never guess, but this delicious ALMOND JOY cupcake is gluten free. Oh my the flavor!  I apologize that the signs are out of focus, as you can see I was concentraiting on the cupcakes. 

Now this is the type of treat you get for a Walk In Beauty Party or Sip & Socialize. It's so delicious that you have to share the love. I feel that Macaroons should be expensive so that one may only buy a few. Talk about sabotage your way to success! Pick expensive treats to tame the tummy. Lol.


I let my Kamali'i pick one each, they had the hardest time choosing. Meanwhile I couldn't stop smiling. OHANA-TIME is so important! What do you do with your Ohana?

The secret sauce of success

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I'm going to keep it plain and simple. In fact I'll share the entire point of this blogpost in the next sentence. The secret sauce to success is to feed/nourish your mind, body & soul through habits & rituals.

The end.

Okay, I'm not really through because I have some pictures and a few videos to share, in fact producing these two minute videos below took all of two hours each. [WHY] Because I was in the middle of my habit when I realized, "Geez I should take a picture of this!" 

I'm not going to explain why you need healthy habits or the purpose of a ritual, since I've written about it before. You can click on the highlighted words above.

Habits become a part of your subconscious living. Rituals become a part of your soulful living.
— Ho'omalamalama


I know this might sound cheesy but you have to nourish your mind with positivity, inspiration, daily motivation. The same way our bodies need hydration your mind requires a healthy heaping of good thoughts. No one, not even Oprah, can exist without connecting, hearing or repeating something positive. What feeds your mind? [comment below]



I do this thing called, "mad art" where I shut out the world and create like MADNESS. I don't stop to take pictures of my creation process and rarely share what I make. [WHY] Because I set apart this time to nourish my soul. Art, for me, is a private moment to feed my soul through colors, textures and art supplies. Come to think of it art and nature share the spotlight in this arena. What feeds your soul? [comment below]


We misinterpret this so much but never on purpose. There are industries who thrive upon our misinformed ideas concerning food. "Eat salt, don't eat salt" the list is endless and it will always contradicts itself.  I started a FIT-FOODIE Program to help my fitness members reconnect to FOOD and not fads. It is important to create habits around this area of your life because it will sustain the other two areas. Your mind and soul will excel in rituals of self-respect and self-expression but it is your body that requires a dedicated habit of self-care. What feeds your body? [comment below]



  1. Get your habits in check. Find out what is serving you and what isn't. Watch the tutorial and download my habit tracker here.

  2. Create rituals around the SOUL nourishing moments in your life. Do you start your day in prayer or end with a gratitude journal?

  3. Schedule your inspiration! Nourish your MIND on a weekly, even daily basis. Because the mind is a terrible thing to loose.

  4. Slowly adapt habits that will improve your BODY. Take time to introduce these habits so that your lifestyle will become accustom to it.

  5. Influence someone else through your consistent self-nourishment. Your example will speak volumes to someone else so just keep swimming. [Dori's the ultimate positivity guru.]

The contentment happens when you're doing 1-5 on a regular basis, all of your needs are taken cared of. Therefore you have more energy, time and health to serve others and make a significant change in this world. Ready to feel content? If you want more help and connection checkout my eBook and follow through with the art journal prompts. 

PEACE Be the Journey, 

Comment below for connection and please share this blogpost and invite others to WALK IN BEAUTY.


How hate affects HEALTH and 5 antidotes.


Believe it or not but this is an easy topic to write about. [Why?] Since I see the effects of this everyday. [Where?] Every time I step outside my door and head to my local grocery store. When I'm in a yoga session or visiting a gym, I see the affects of hate.

You're probably wondering, "Groceries & hate, fitness & hate... I don't see the connection Ho'o." You will once I point out a few things.

First of all hate is one of many emotions & all those feelings, positive or negative, affect us. Secondly, what affects us internally WILL eventually affect us externally.

Hate as an emotion, if hidden, festers like a boil & it will ooze a gamut of cray-cray. [Cray-cray is crazy on steroids.]   

Cray-cray looks like high levels of stress without a solution, passive aggressive tendencies to blame everyone or the inability to experience peace. Luckily, if you're reading this then it's not you. Because hate & cray-cray aren't proactive, they're reactive energy. 

Energy is like gold coins in the vault of life. Spend it wisely.
— Ho'omalamalama

I'm not a Chinese Medicine Doctor, Chiropractor or massage therapist but I have seen them on occasion. They can literally sense un-forgiveness, stress in my relationships or finances. It's not magic it's muscles. Our muscles react to tension and a typical fitness workout will result in muscle tension but it will heal. [If you stretch properly.] But feelings of hate, dislike and anger tenses our muscles and over time it can disfigure our outlook in life. That's why we all need the five antidotes to hate!  


5 Antidotes

  1. Check your feelings towards someone. If you can't be in the same room or can't stand to see their post... there could be issues.
  2. Forgiveness is the only medicine for hate or bitterness. It's also the toughest but you can Google some amazing reasons why you should forgive & it's benefits.
  3. Release all desire to hold-a-grudge. It's really not worth it and your time is too precious to spend thinking about that other person.
  4. Move. Movement is so important. Stagnant feelings & lethargic body are best friends, so you have to do the opposite. Join a dance fitness class and get lost in the music. You'll feel better and trim that waist line at the same time.
  5. Repeat 1-4 as often as needed because in this day and age everyone is uptight. Those of us who are able to live in PEACE do so by letting go. It's part of the WALK In BEAUTY process.   

I had fun using the Hawaiian 


in place of love. It sounds like music to the ears. 


Feng Shui

Next blogpost I'll be sharing my experience with Feng Shui, which I have been practicing since 2003, the year my daughter was born. She and my husband are both the year of the ram. I've been able to incorporate it into my lifestyle and spiritual convictions. I also blend it with my Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono and the more recent Konmari Method. You have to see it to totally understand how it flows.

2018 Challenge

Understanding the, "s Realms of Beauty" opens doors within our minds. It allows a natural shift to happen through our perspective. And there's no better way to experience this than to go through the pages of WALK IN BEAUTY with friends. The Challenge, should you accept, is to gather friends, commit to regular meet-ups and share the projects you create. The eBook is actually a manual/guide/workbook for holistic lifestyle. Ready to get started?  


Fit Foodie

With all the diets out there are you as confused as I was? Ketogenic, Vegan, Paleo, Vegetarian, South Beach, Raw Food,  Atkins, Zone, Mediterranean, Pescatarian and now Pegan Diet. Oh yes there's a new one. Obviously with my husband, 7 children, a dog and business to run I don't have time. Which is why I'm working on LIFESTYLE. Think about the following when you shop...

  1. Do you know the person who raised or grew this product?
  2. What's a fave & how do you feel after you eat it _______ ?   
  3. Do you like the way you eat?

Here are my answers:

  1. Most of the time or I read the labels.
  2. I enjoy pancakes but I always want a nap after I eat them.
  3. My goal is to eat clean 6 days a week and have fun on the last 1 day. I'm 5/6 So YES!

The real secret is to eat clean! I don't know why there's an urge to name eating styles but there isn't a one size fix all. I eat a lot of Asian fusion foods. Below is a pic of my lunch, local beef & kimchi with organic [probably hot house raised] romaine lettuce & portobello mushrooms. 


Maintaining YOU, Maintaining YOUR Mana

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Self maintenance requires... 

  • Time

  • Investment

  • Flexibility

  • Awareness

I was chatting with a cousin, who's a project coordinator at Kamehameha Schools, about MANA! The Hawaiian rendition goes like this, "Remember where your MANA comes from!" and "You can feel the MANA!" Which is synonymous throughout Polynesia; Tahiti, Aotearoa, Samoa, Tonga and Fiji. So the proper title of this blogpost should be...

Maintaining MANA

So in essences the question is, "How do you maintain the MANA that resides within you?" My cousin, Kalani Hiapo, and I talked for hours, there is much to be discovered and uncovered. [WHY?] Because MANA is a deep seeded condition of balancing past and present. Honoring your heritage and yourself. This is how it's done...

  • Time is what we all have, how you use it defines YOU.

  • Investment into self-help tools & holistic living.

  • Flexibility is the key to sanity, what to keep and release.

  • Awareness allows you make adjustments and move on.

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Your words are indicators. What type of words do you use to describe your life, Ohana [family], relationships, job, business, children, body and opportunities? After all, energy isn't seen but heard and felt. That's the same with your words. We can't see them trickling out of your mouth but we can hear and feel its impact. Energy comes from within, what you speak your mind reasons, and the result is a belief. Maintain your words.

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This is extremely practical and hands-on. If you want to stay engaged and complete what you started with determination you will need these items: a planner, colorful pens or pencils and a few embellishments. It's called planning with intention. Before you can have DRIVE you must first develop DISCIPLINE and the easiest way is to bullet journal or plan.

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With all the wealth and wisdom in the world it's nothing without wellness. I've known ah-mazing healers who died too soon because their own personal health wasn't maintained. The MANA they carried needed a foundation. Regular sleep, clean water + clean eating and fitness aren't fads they're facts. Holistic health is a whole living lifestyle.

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Authenticity is the result of a person who lives their word. What they say is who they are. Feelings and the energy they put out into this world aligns with their plans that drive them towards success. They are the masters of their thoughts and happiness is what they create. The best way to maintain this level is to write in a gratitude journal. Gratefulness = Joy


You have to make time for fun! You weren’t born to pay bills. Fun allows us to make sense of this crazy world, while giving us something to look forward too. Living holistic means that your foundation is rooted in daily practices which support you during life’s trying moments.


If you're ready for change and want more, may I suggest my eBook, "WALK IN BEAUTY uncover its secrets & unlock your potential." I wrote about the 5 REALMS of BEAUTY and how it relates to you. This blogpost is a tiny summary of the 'aha moments' you'll receive in the eBook. 

The best part about my conversation with Kalani is connecting our knowledge from different sides of the Pacific Ocean. He's currently working on projects in Oahu and I've also included links for Shift Massage & Make Mahalo, because they deal specifically with two of the subjects I've mentioned. The goal of this blogpost was to light the way and give you tools.

Become an influencer and Tweet out this message, invite others to join the Mermaid pod and read the blog. 


How strong is your WHY and will is stand the test of time?


WHY and WILLPOWER, which do you need first?

What if I told you that willpower is nothing and your why is everything. First of all willpower is defined as self-control. Secondly, what if you don't have self-control? Yet?

Back in the day, I was trying to drink more water. I had a habit-trackers, water drinking app and an accountability partner. Yet I couldn't be consistent. 

Then one day I started doing some serious cardio, as in perfuse sweat and sloppy hair. As a result I consumed water. The motion [serious cardio] triggered the emotion [NEED water] and as a result I found my WHY

I needed the water because I created a WHY not a WILL. Does that make sense? Stay with me I'm adding more to this equation. 


My WHY turned into a WILL, becoming a habit, a natural part of my lifestyle.

The WILL came after I anchored my WHY through movement which linked to a feeling. There you go! My unofficial, official theory of WHY & WILL. [Now I can stop italicizing why & will.]

Below are five steps to developing your WHY. I've also included the original post that inspired this message here.  

5 Steps to a strong "WHY"



Movement solves a plethora of problems. First of all it helps you circulate and secondly it repositions you physically. In other words, if you sit in the problem you become stagnant. Movement allows you to gain new perspective by simply changing your physical point-of-view.



Loss of focus has so many consequences. Most of them are felt after the situation has passed. Imagine the winning lap for a runner and they turn to look back. Taking their eyes off of the focus, which was the finish line. It might have been a split second but it caused her/him to fail.

Taking a time-out from mobile devices, digital expectations like social media, can help you find your focus and reconnect to your WHY. Nature is especially great at this task. Read: Fit to listen



Your WHY will also go through seasons of change. It's important to notice how you feel because it can effect the strength of your WHY. 

Example: Around May I felt melancholy and rarely worked out. My WHY shifted, but how?  After deep reflection I remembered that May had some residual sorrow.

After realizing and releasing I changed my movement. As a result my fitness routine included a lot of outdoor adventures. It allowed me to workout, drink water and honor my feelings. 



If you tried 1-3 and sense a wall of disconnection then this will be your best option. Seek out inspiration and guidance. This can be in the form of a book, YouTube channel or podcast.

Reaching for a solution is the perfect "ask" because it adds motion to your quest of creating a strong WHY.



Most of us stop at number four but in all honesty it might take more. I purchased every book on the creative business topic and learned a lot. However once I engaged with an expert, their level of excellence gave me such a boost. 

A coach and mentor allows you to ride on the wind-of-their-wins. A good coach can outline steps but a great one will help you draw the blueprint, giving scope to your imagination. 

The only difference between willpower and why is the emotion behind it. And emotion is triggered by motion!
— Ho'omālamalama

I'd like to close with a comment from a Native American Elder, "You were given the gift of life, now you have to earn your living." [Below is an exerpt from another blogpost I wrote.]

In other words we don’t wake up winding a dial that’s attached to our heart. The heart has its own intelligence, that’s the gift of life. Yet how we take care of our heart is an example of us earning a living.

Your why is the emotional connection between appreciating the gift and earning it. It’s your anchor  into everything you do. This is the secret sauce to having a powerful why, the type that moves mountains. 
