The only way to achieve anything.


If you want

to achieve anything in life you have to IMUA, move on and go forward.


isn’t a cardinal direction like north, south, east and west but rather the destination of your desires. As a child growing up in Hawaii I knew that IMUA was a call to action.

Today we must

consider the echos of our loved ones past and present, encouraging us to carry on.

Sometimes we lack the “how” but we feel the “why” and it is in those moments that we IMUA.
— Ho'omalamalama

Our Obligation

If you breath oxygen, albeit with a mask, you are entitled to one thing the right to move. You can move into the direction of your dreams or move away from it. There might be detours, slight changes or redesigning your original strategy but that shouldn’t stop you.

5 Tips To Help You IMUA

  1. Get into an environment of likeminded people, like a mastermind.

  2. Find a coach or be mentored by someone you respect and value their work ethics.

  3. Break down what you want into small steps and write it into your planner.

  4. Schedule time for the small steps and give each task a prospective date of completion.

  5. Ask someone to hold you accountable and keep your promise.

Walking on a path at the Billy Frank Jr. Wildlife Refuge near Nisqually reservation.

Walking on a path at the Billy Frank Jr. Wildlife Refuge near Nisqually reservation.

Let’s face it…

We all have one goal in the back of our mind that has yet to be realized. What’s holding us back?


Sure there’s a slight bend in the road or maybe a few deep potholes but the path is still in front of you. Perhaps you stopped to gaze off into the sunset, wonderful pause and then pick up where you left off. Sometimes that gaze can be in the direction of someone you loved who took a different road. Don’t stand there wondering why they’re not with you and don’t you dare switch paths. If you do your life will be filled with regret.

Just keep moving and you will attract individuals who believe in the things you do. Remember your dreams and hold on to your why.

Also at Billy Frank Jr. Wildlife Refuge

Also at Billy Frank Jr. Wildlife Refuge

Peace in the journey,

Remove guilt, worry and stress. Forgive yourself and keep moving forward, IMUA.

To help you out I’ve written two questions to help you get on track. Answer them in the comment box or find me on Instagram and share your thoughts.

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Why our Elder's prayed often and we should too.


You’re probably

familiar with a Disney movie where an alien and a troubled girl find solace in their disfunction. You’ll hear the main character say, “‘Ohana means family…”


language has more depth and a single word can take you years to explore. For example ‘Ohana. I will share the translation I grew up with.

‘Ohana means


Pule ‘Ohana

Our Na Kupuna, elders, would call us together and say, “Hele mai, ‘ohana” and we knew that they wanted to pray. We came from all over and sat huddled. Children on the floor, parents in chairs and babies in the arms of someone. Our eyes wide with anticipation and silently waiting for their mana’o or wisdom.

I’m sitting on my Mama’s lap. Picture taken by my Auntie Nalani of Big Island.

I’m sitting on my Mama’s lap. Picture taken by my Auntie Nalani of Big Island.

Why they prayed…

If we were celebrating and someone was going to leave the party they would pray to send them off and those who would follow. They knew that time was precious and we are not guaranteed to see one another.

If someone shared urgent news and sought the wisdom of our Kupuna to guide them. Maybe they were applying for a new job, parenting issues or trying to conceive.

If their own intuition guided them to pray they would call whomever was around and ask them to pray in agreement. This could happen at 12pm or 12am, depending on their na’au or gut feeling. (Intuition)

Why we should pray…

Because our day’s are shrouded with confusion and misinformation. Prayer grounds us and offers clarity.

Because we need relief from the mental strain and stress that’s slammed in our faces daily. We can offer our concerns and release it to the heavens.

Because it’s healthy to believe in something higher than our own selves, to elevate our minds.

Because prayer unites us in empathy towards one another. When we lift the needs of other we inevitably lift ourselves. It’s and act of love to pray for the needs of others while not expecting anything in reward.

  • Grounding

  • Clarity

  • Release

  • Healthy

  • Elevate

  • Empathy

  • Love

I never heard of a person, who in their last breath said, “I wish I prayed less.”
— Ho'omalamalama

When is it a good time to pray?



To gather in one mind.

Momentum happens when everyone has one thought in mind. For example before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. many sought for equality but it took one person to ‘Ohana and gather everyone to one purpose. Once united anything is possible.

I would have loved to hear the prayers that were said before they marched on Washington DC in 1964. That must have been powerful! We’ve all seen or heard Dr.MLK Jr’s speech but I want to hear the ‘Ohana that happened before he stepped out onto the podium.

Imagine the elders circling around him and praying fervently.

It’s not religious.

Prayer was never meant to be religious. It’s our right as human beings to pray, to gather, to ‘Ohana.

Last week.

I’m closing off my mastermind by the end of January 2021 and might open it up later. (Might) If you want to take your self-improvement, self-development or business to the next level you should join us.


Do you have a group you can trust?

Find likeminded individuals and form your own prayer circle. Make sure that they don’t gossip or spread rumors. I know of groups who disguise themselves a prayer partners but all they do is gossip. Be careful. If someone is quick to talk about another person to you… believe that they’re talking about you to someone else.


Why self-care and selfish should go together.


Let’s remove the guilt

and start embracing the importance of self-care. And “yes” putting everything on pause can sound selfish. But what’s wrong with that?

It’s not like I’m suggesting that you let children go hungry, ignore the home, forget to return important calls or leave a burning pot on the stove.

You need this!

With all the stress and ugly in the world you need time and a place to refresh.

Blessed is she who knows her worth and is esteemed, WOMAN is her kind.
— Hoomalamalama

Think about the check engine light on your dashboard and imagine that you’re too busy to fix it, leaving the task for tomorrow. Eventually tomorrow becomes a week, then a month. Without warning, while you’re driving to an important event, the engine starts smoking and it stalls. Right in the middle of a four way traffic sign

Your initial attitude is frustration, anger and blame but it warned you. Is that really fair?

Intentional Self-Care

Intentional self-care is making time for your self and not letting anything get in your way. If an emergency should occur, take care of it then return to your plan. (As soon as it’s possible.)

Don’t expect people around you to understand. Why? Because most humans care about things that involve them and your self-care routine doesn’t and it shouldn’t include anyone but you.

You’re not meant to share this moment with anyone and you need to be selfish. This is a sacred time set aside to nourish and protect your greatest investment… your body. (Mind and soul included.)

Plan it, Do it, Done

We can talk all day about what we want to do but doing is so much better. The previous blogpost I wrote about keeping your promises. I was referring to the promise you make to yourself. If you plan to do something, do it!

Below is a few pages from my 2021 planner spread and my theme was terrarium. It represents an ideal environment where I am the creator of its anatomy.

Mālama Kou Kino

If you take care of your body it will take care of you. It really is that simple.

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Answer the prompts in the comment section below. Take action and be proactive.

  • What does self-care look like to you?

  • When will you start implementing, “Mālama Kou Kino?”

Special Invitation

I’m opening up my mastermind after two years. If you would like to experience what sitting in a conversation with generational wisdom feels like join us.


Single best advice for the NEW YEAR

Listen to the podcast.

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I know your heart strings have been going through so much and it feel like you can't take another thing.

You and I have a lot in common, we're concerned about the state of our world and the future of the next generation.

The single best advice I would give is...

Keep your promises.

In other words if you said to yourself, "Tomorrow I'm going to walk a mile." Then you wake up and the weathers bad so you cancel.

[Don't break the promise/commitment you made to yourself.]

Stop letting yourself down.

Sure politicians break their promises, churches loose faith and health care professionals have been caught in lies but that's NOT YOU. Let’s face it, we’ve all been let down before but why do it to yourself?

I know, you probably didn’t consider this point of view but I’d like to encourage you to shift your thinking.

  1. What if you kept every promise you’ve ever made to yourself?

  2. What if you forgave yourself for breaking past promises?

  3. What if you earned your trust by keeping simple promises?

Let’s Build

A strong foundation starts with you and it can be challenging, The reality is that many of us have allowed other people, who don’t live in our skin, to make and break promises. But is that serving us?

To build you have to clear clutter and I suggest reading…

Subconscious Curating

If you’ve failed before consider the endless benefit of creating new happy habits, read…

What do your habits reveal.

Finally, connect to your WHY and make this go-around-the-sun spectacular, read…

How strong is your why, and will it stand the test of time?


I can almost imagine the voice of Queen Lili’uokalani echoing the resounding chant to remain steadfast. As one of my favorite people in history I am encouraged by her quiet determination and deep love for her people. In facing the unknown I try to find the resilience within my own environment and made a commitment to keep the promises I make to myself. Regardless of the worlds unfolding because I can not change anyone but me. This has been my saving grace.

I want to invite you to share this post with someone and answer the prompts. And if you really want to make a difference in your own life and improve your lifestyle you should consider joining our mastermind. Just make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter and you’ll be informed about our schedule and openings.

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Take some time to answer these questions for yourself because I’m sure that the answer is within. Everything you need to succeed is already a part of your DNA, trust the process and keep your promises.

What to do about uncertainty

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You’ll want to share this post with all of your loved ones.

Listen, we haven’t had much relaxation due to 2020’s list of upheaval’s and unrest.

There’s hope…

You are the hope.

I wanted to share a list of five tips to help you focus, despite the distractions.

Everything I’m sharing is from my personal observation and not meant to diagnose or treat anyone. Please understand that I, like you, have been sensing the changes in the air and want solutions.

Start Here

Read through the five tips and then listen to the corresponding podcast for details. Then post your comments here or on Instagram. If you want more support make sure you’re receiving the newsletter.


Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 30

  • Pledge

  • Devote

  • Apply

  • Do

Commit to use the list of 100 positive words you created from yesterday’s prompt.

You made it!

I’m so proud of you, this was a big commitment and undertaking. I know what it feels like to start something and then wonder, “WHAT WAS I THINKING?” Good news, everything about this challenge was designed to uplift you.

Now double the blessing

And share this experience with a handful of people then guide a group to do the BMC 30 Days with you. Basically you’re facilitating the challenge.

How it works…

Invite some friends to join you with the end in mind. Create a group text where friends can text, “DONE” and perhaps a weekly meetup to dive deep into group reflections. Sharing the experience is like putting a magnifying glass on LOVE.

The best part is to host a party, sip & socialize or scenic nature walk as a reward. Celebrate what you completed and make a big deal out of it. And if you really want to maximize the benefits of a beautiful mind schedule this challenge annually.


Nature = Beautiful Mind

Want more?

Please make sure to join our newsletter and follow our instagram. For more info about the newsletter click here. You can also tune into our podcast here, Malama Pono (take care) and congrats again on completing the 30 Day challenge!

Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 29

Create your 100

Which is a list of one hundred words that describe you. YES I wrote 100 and I’m sure once you start you’ll find hundreds more.

Some call it the Pollyanna Effect, where everything is good and rainbows fill the sky. And what’s wrong with that?

Let me help you

Here’s a link to a website that created a positive word vocabulary list to use. The hard part is sticking to 100 words.

The goal of BMC was to help you subconsciously curate an environment where words and art support your beautiful mind.

Remember to comment below. The reason why I asked you to “comment” is because it will improve your experience with the BMC. Each time you follow through helps your subconscious to connect with your true intention. You see, it’s not enough to just read something you have to take action. And if you want to level up and incorporate beautiful habits go back and make sure you comment with each prompt.

I shop for inspiration

Check In Daily

Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 28

We all need to be encouraged and it feels good to hear reassuring words. Phrases that remind you of your goals, purpose and desires. Affirmations are like supplements for the soul.

However, there are moments when you

Need more than just affirmations. Times in life when a, “Get up you got this” type of speech is necessary.

Go out and buy a beautiful card or stationary and write a message to your future self. Say/write all the words you’ll want to hear. Add a favorite quote, pictures, glitter or a gift card to your favorite cafe. Then seal it and write, “Open IF needed.” Become your own cheerleader!

Affirmations are like supplements for the soul. You’re body doesn’t manufacture it, you have to bring it in!
— Ho'omālamalama

Live Aloha, Live in Love


Share This Challenge

Follow On…

Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 27

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When you surround yourself with

Positive words, people and images you can’t help but succeed. It’s almost as if you’re sabotaging yourself into success.

Making art is powerful

It’s a part of you that is visual for all to see or just you. No one has to see your creation, if you don’t want them to.

Art can be anything. A collage of words, a picture you took and printed. The goal is to allow the creative juices to flow from you.

Allow yourself the freedom of unbiased creativity.

You’re not allowed to judge or hinder the process. Have fun and comment below.

we combined fitness & creativity

current events

Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 26

How do you view your

* Personal Worth

* Relationships

* Finances

You can create an affirmation around each one or combine them.

The purpose

Of an affirmation is to have your words model what you desire. Research show that your mind doesn’t know the difference between reality or fantasy. All it knows is, “What you repeat through thoughts.”

What thoughts run through your mind?

You can program your mind through affirmations. It’s part of your holistic lifestyle and eventually a daily habit.

Comment your affirmations below.

You Are My Sunshine

Daily Post

Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 25

Are you a good receiver?

In other words, do you show gratitude when someone wants to reciprocate your kindness?

When you can learn from anyone

It opens up doors of opportunity. I love learning from one of my kindergarten students, “Miss Ho’o do you want to color like me?”

Learning and teaching empowers both…

The giver and the receiver. This cycle of reciprocity ensures empathy and loyalty. We become connected through our experiences and that is the power of humanity. May we never forget that, we are all human.

Always Learning

Be my Insta-Buddy

Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 24

Sharing something NEW creates community.

Every time you reach out or share a skill with others you’re creating community.

Even if it’s on social media.

Connections you make from sharing knowledge is extremely valuable.

Learning doesn’t have to happen in a classroom. And after covid19 we’ve all figured out that formal learning needs an overhaul. Because overnight every parent became homeschoolers. Teachers had to learn how to use the internet for teaching and grades weren’t as important.

It’s been an interesting 2020.

I like sharing

Let’s be Insta-Fam

Beautiful Mind Challenge 23

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Sometimes we don’t realize

How talented we truly are because we’re too busy doing stuff.

For example, I’m extremely sensitive to chemicals and can’t use regular shampoos and lotions. So I started making my own at a very young age. My Mom got me a DIY book back in the 80’s and I’ve been mixing up my potions since then.

One day someone asked me,

“What do you use for your skin?” When I told her that I make my own beauty treatments she asked if I would teach her.

Think about something you do naturally, a gift or talent you can teach. Post it in the comment box.

DIY Organic Beauty

Meet Me On Instagram

Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 22

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Is the gift that keeps on giving. I believe it’s anti-aging too!

I use to be a fitness coach at an elders center and noticed something. Members who liked to read, and try new things had a better outlook on life. However their counterparts was the exact opposite. They disliked learning new things and always complained about the condition of their bodies.

Perspective is everything.

I’m sure both groups of elders go through a lot of joint pain and issues but their focus is completely different.

Those who liked to learn often seemed happier. They also seemed to age well.

Scheduled Art Time


Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 21

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Learning activates your brain in ways that benefit your entire being.

What’s even more significant is the “Why” behind the idea.

Have you ever noticed how circumstances become the catalyst of our learning experiences.

My grandmother passed away from cancer and I wanted to learn how to prevent it. The pain of loosing her became my "Why.”

So what would you like to learn and “Why?”

Actually name everything you’d like to learn.

Put it on post-its and cover a mirror. Each time you learn something, take it off.

DIY Project

My sister is super talented and comes up with amazing craft ideas, I’m always learning something new from her. So follow the prompt and name one thing you’d like to learn and post it in the comment box.

See you on Instagram

Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 20


Action is important

It’s not enough to dream or want something, you have to move towards the thing you desire.

Planning a mini-adventure is good for the soul and psyche. The sheer excitement leading to the journey boost your dopamine levels. In fact research shows that…

Experiences and travel can lower the risk of depression.

To maintain that healthy and happy feeling pick a date and make it happen.

Maybe choose a few smaller day-trips that lead to the bigger one.

Learn more about the science and research here and here.

Day Trip

I enjoy being a tour guide to Ohana when they visit the PNW. We have so many interesting places to visit.

See You On Instagram

Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 19

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Who would you travel with?

Going on a trip with others takes a little more planning than usual. Every meal becomes a negotiation and sleeping habits can test a relationship. But sharing the experience with another person makes it memorable.

I enjoyed traveling BC (before children) however motherhood put a lot of pressure on a simple trip. I felt like I had to pack the entire kitchen. Now that they’re older I completely enjoy it! My trips would include my Kamali’i, children because I love sharing experiences with them.

Comment who your travel companions would be and why.

Paddling With My Kamali’i

Daily Post

Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 18

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Have you noticed

How we talk ourselves out of a good idea because we’re too busy thinking about everyone else?

Why not focus on the positive nature of going on an adventure. Don’t think about money, bills or needing a pet-sitter. Skip all the debilitating details and dream a little.

List the benefits

You would experience while on your adventure. Feelings, experiences and what would you eat or wear?

Level up

Add a little style to this idea and make a vision board. Design it with all the elements, colors and words to represent your amazing adventure.


I’m an artist who teaches and appreciates other artist. Here’s a snippet of an event I took my children to where they met renown Polynesian artist who were visiting the Pacific Northwest. Art is Life

Join Me

Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 17

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Have you ever

Watched Peter Pan and thought to yourself, “One day I’m going to go on an adventure!” Then you grew up, got stuck with bills and haven’t looked at a travel magazine in ages.

I’m not talking Ohana vacations. My question is all about you, “When was the last time you went on an adventure that YOU desired?”

Personal adventures, in my opinion, are essential to having meaningful experience as a human being. It’s simply planning to go somewhere you’ve never been and create a story along the way.

That story connects you to places and eventually becomes part of the tapestry called community.

Personal adventures are essential to having meaningful experiences as a human being.
— Ho'omalamalama

What’s next?

I don’t have an answer. When I started this blog on March 6, 2017 I thought I had it all figured out. Fast forward to 2020 and I’m only touching the surface. Here’s why, I create all the time and honing in on my muse can be challenging but I figured out a few things on the way. Such as…

  • I’m not the only one dealing with work/life balance.

  • There’s a pattern in every situation.

  • The most successful people identify (the pattern) and keep it simple.

  • They also innovate and modify, making that pattern unique to their vision.

  • It becomes art as they orchestrate a symphony to play in harmony.

Your goals, relationships, side-hustle(s), job, business, parenting, health, etc. are all instruments in the music you make, aka LIFE. If you need some help, and it’s still 6/17/2020, I’m hosting a free Zoom vision board party called, “SIP & SOCIALIZE.” If you’re a Mermaid please check your inbox. If not join here and confirm your email.

Also this Saturday, 6/20/2020, is my WIB Mastermind group. It’s for artist, therapist, psychologist, receptionist, technologist, nutritionist, you get the jest. Anyone who gives to others and needs a safe haven to hone in on her skills, talents and gifts.



Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 16

A quick-fix to

Practically any situation is to move. You can walk, dance, workout, run or stretch. Movement is one of the quickest ways to gain new perspective and shift energy. Which is why I became a fitness coach in the first place, to shift energy.

Happily I get to

Move along with others and it’s one of my favorite things to do, with eating and teaching in my top three.

If you feel overwhelmed, heavy or unmotivated just move. You never wait to walk, you simply walk while you wait for good things to show up. I call it, “Meeting Opportunity on the daily.” Yes, I try to walk, dance or move with intention daily.

You walk while you wait for good things to show up. It’s like meeting Opportunity on the daily.
— Ho'omalamalama

Do you have a daily wellness plan?

I hope so and if you don’t checkout the YouTube video I made below. I’d love to support you on this journey.

Walk Inn Beauty