Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 6



That every problem already has a solution. The question is, “Are we paying attention?”

Day 3 - What’s your biggest goal?

Day 4 - What are your biggest obstacles?

Day 5 - Create three possible solutions to your obstacles.

Day 6 - Try out your solutions or if it requires more time break it down into smaller task. Then give each one a deadline in your planner.


On what you want because your biggest goal deserves to be seen. Goals unrealized are like seeds on a shelf. Sure the package reads “watermelon” but if that seed never reaches the soil it will loose its full potential.

Are you living your potential?

You don’t have to pay a single soul another dime to make sure you do what you said you were going to do. In other words keep the promises you make to yourself. If you say you’re going to do something, then do it. If you have to adjust your plans, then do it. But make sure you keep your word. Promises we make to ourselves are the most important types of promises.

Sure you can hire a coach, mentor or join a mastermind but that’s to learn something new. You shouldn’t have to hire someone to hold you accountable to keep your self-made promises.

Here’s my solution to keeping self-made promises [aka- GOALS]… Hang around with people who keep their word!

Individuals who honor their word are the best kind of company because they practice integrity, an old world word that we need to bring back.


Dive Deeper

If you want to level-up write down your solutions in the comment box and give each one a deadline. Then revisit this and post a follow up. I would luv to hear how you made your goal(s) happen.


Your answer in the comment box below.

Say “ALOHA” on Instagram

Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 4

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Our goals live only in our minds because the obstacles we face overwhelm us.

Let me offer a little advice about hurdles because they’re not meant to stop you but to prove how much you want “it.”

IT = representing your big idea, goal or dream.


You can’t overcome what you’re not willing to face. No one can climb a mountain looking in the other direction. If you want to climb the mountain you have to face it!

This is true for goals. So take some time and list your biggest obstacles. Then step back and look at what you wrote down. Share them in the comment box or on instagram.

How I Stay Grounded

Beautiful Mind Challenge Day 3



Aren’t a thing of the past or something your fitness coach drilled into you. It’s still as relevant today as it was 100 years ago.

We all need them because it balances out nervous tension. And let me say that there’s definitely tension in the world today.

However the idea that you can complete something will ease the tension in your mental space.

You’re able to accept the unchangeable(s) around you because you can control what’s going on within your personal space.


Your answer below in the comment box or on Instagram.

June 2020

Live A Life Worth Living



The value equivalent to that of someone or something under consideration; the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated.


At the end of the day it really is all about you. Your likes and dislikes. The environment you thrive in and the ones you don’t.

Isn’t it ironic that as a child you knew what you did or didn’t like. Then as you got older something changed. You wanted to be liked and even loved.

So what happens next?

First of all stop doubting yourself. You’re brilliant and unique.


I was teaching a culture class to students from kindergarten to fifth grade and one thing stood out. Lack of self-awareness.

The crazy part is that they know what they like but once peer pressure sets in they forget. With each birthday they become less of their individual personalities and more of a blended mindset.

After observing this pattern I noticed that the ones who did well had a strong sense of self. Maybe from their parent(s) or grandparent(s) but they were completely in touch with their personalities.

In an effort to help them I created a few printable(s) for self discovery. I’ve included them below and if you want to use them visit the membership page where all of the current PDF’s live. If you’re not a member join on the link below.



When healing is the goal + PDF

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It’s never easy to heal but always necessary.

I remember getting hurt and my Dad taking care of the wound… OUCH! Why was the healing process so painful, yet important?

If the wound wasn’t cleaned it would have become infected and caused other complications. Which is exactly what happens with emotional pain and unresolved heartaches. But how does one heal from emotional scars and bruises?

Trust, Love and Know thyself, this is all a part of the healing process.
— Ho'omalamalama

Well I’m no psychiatrist but I do know what emotional pain feels like. I also hold close the advice from my grandmother, “The answer is within!” Which inspired me to create the PDF below. It’s a combination of helpful prompts to draw from the well of your subconscious.

I truly believe that we have the antidote to our misfortune. The keys to unlock our healing and provide safe passage through this thing called LIFE. And with that I hope you will join me and re-align ourselves with JOY.

Grab the free PDF


Limited Offer

To Inspire You


To Encourage You


Create Your Magic


You know the feeling.

That zeal, spark, excitement which becomes magic. It’s a euphoric place where aha-moments become tangible.

You believe in and dreamt about it.

You’re making magic.

You imagine the impossible and begin to conjure up unlimited potential.

But then…

A shadow hovers over you in shades of doubt. So you summon up the courage and try again. To only meet more negativity.

What can you do?


5 Secrets

To Making Magic

  1. BELIEVE - You have to trust yourself. Doubt destroys magical moments instantly.

  2. HOLD - Have something that can remind you of your magic. A quote, a picture of someone who believes in you or a piece of jewelry that was handed down.

  3. FIND - Locate people who vibrate your energy and reflect the same brilliant energy.

  4. SHUT OUT - Words or people who doubt your abilities. Imagine their words like water running down a ducks back. The duck can float in the water but isn’t consumed by it. When it chooses to take flight it can.

  5. CREATE - Practice honing your skills and make magic happen. You won’t get it right the first time but through perseverance you will succeed.

Negativity can only exist if you acknowledge or receive it. Haters can only hate but you don’t have to relate. Practice tuning out and changing ugly dialog. If someone say’s, “You can’t do it” your reply can be, “Watch me!”

2020 is a year of magical moments!
— Ho'omālamalama

A trick to boost your magic

Make a Vision Board

Collect powerful images that will inspire and find words to motivate you. It’s a great habit to have because it allows you to envision the coming year. Through words and pictures you’re fashioning a beautiful future.


January’s 2020 PDF

Become a member and get the newsletter. You’ll be part of our GOOD VIBES TRIBE. This months PDF is all about making magic.


Becoming Sabbath


The Ritual Of REST…

Isn’t a religion, although its roots are thousands of years old. In fact I have great respect for those who keep a true Sabbath.

I was merely observing the practice of abstaining from work and thought about my crazy life.

My number one problem is.. I NEVER REST.

  • iPhone +++

  • 10 Email Addresses +

  • 5 Messenger Services +

  • 16 FB Pages + More Groups

  • Too Many Apps

  • Way Too Many Social Media Sites

  • Not to mention I’m a wife, mother and artist.

Being “busy” never made anyone successful. Being “self-aware” can make anyone successful. To become aware one must rest from the clutter, noise and distractions. To REST one must cease.
— Ho'omalamalama

The Beauty Of Rest

I wanted to share some insight about rest and why every single one of us should christen a day as our Sabbath. No disrespect to the Hebrew Culture but I’m merely outlining benefits so we can adapt the lifestyle. The number goal it to STOP all forms of labor not including raising children, Lol.

You can schedule activities like hanging out in nature or reading a book. It’s not labor and these types of movements will allow you to appreciate your life, become aware and maybe self care without guilt. May I also suggest a Sabbath from mobile devices and phones.

If you practice this regularly you won’t need to cut off your phone for a three week sabbatical. Instead you’re making boundaries for distractions, phones and every advertisement Google has waiting for you.

We need to say YES to building boundaries around busyness.
— Ho'omalamalama
Write your reflections.

Write your reflections.

Create what you desire.

Create what you desire.

Add to your journal.

Add to your journal.

Write in your journal.

Write in your journal.


2020 Vision Board + Upcoming Sessions

Holistic Fitness & Coaching

I start a whole new program on January 6th and it combines my appreciation for dance fitness, holistic living and walk inn beauty. To learn more check out the SHOP page.


Walk Inn Beauty Mastermind - Community

It’s a new approach for 2020 addressing the need for women to bring their ideas to the table, make magic together and leave the session enriched. More info on the SHOP page.

WIB Mentorship

I’ve dedicated so many years and training to developing this program. It’s the holy grail of walk inn beauty lifestyle. We go deep, grow strong and bear fruit. More info on the SHOP page.

Knowledge is nothing without application.
— Ho'omalamalama

Join Our Newsletter

Women are the real Santa's


Who’s the real Santa?

Over time I’ve come to believe that Santa is really a Woman. Who never seeks to gain recognition, often remaining anonymous.

Just for once…

I’d like to celebrate the real hero I mean heroine of the holiday spirit. Long live Women who make this season merry and bright.

Why not host a party?

A soirée for the real Santa’s to have fun. A bubble in time that will belong to them.

For years I’ve observed as women race around looking for deals, staying up late wrapping, crafting and sewing, making some extra money just to see the smiles on their children’s faces. Women add the warmth of the holiday through decorations and special treats. It’s women who track the naughty or nice list and at the end of it all, she’s often tired and everyone runs off to enjoy their gifts.

Here’s my big idea!

  1. First I found a local venue with a cozy feeling.

  2. Then I shared the idea with a couple of other female business owners.

  3. Once they were on board I asked them to help me sponsor the event.

  4. Finally I created all the marketing and am sending out invitations, digitally.

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You Should Host One

Then tag us when you do. #WholelisticFit

Well I can’t wait to see who joins me and I’ll be sure to take pictures and post them on Instagram.


Nature's Top 3 Beauty Secrets

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Nature is…






and more adjectives then I care to type but you get the point.

It has so much to offer.

Besides the air we breathe, or landscape we daydream about Nature is full of secrets. I’m going to share three that I’ve observed over time.

Side note, remember to visit the Instagram page for daily motivational post.


  1. Never Compare - You’ll never notice a tree envious of another.

  2. Adjust To Seasons - Everything in the natural world changes.

  3. Stand In Your Truth - Self awareness is the most powerful sense any human can poses.

I wanted to get right into the heart of this blogpost because you deserve to know the truth. Now that I’ve shared these they are no longer secrets. It’s up to you in to incorporate them into your life. And if you need help checkout our mastermind.

“25 Day’s Of Merrymaking”

Task 5 and 6

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25 Day Printable

Every time you complete one of the twenty-five task you can put a sticker on that day. Keep in mind that this is intended to be fun and full of small wins. This PDF is available for a limited time.

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The question is…

How do YOU define joy?

What does it feel like to you?

We all want JOY but do we know what it looks like?

I think joy is a unique experience just like our DNA. Imagine sitting at a table with 100 people and they’re all asked to define joy.

You would end up with 100 different answers.

Ready for the task?

Below is the merrymaking task for day three and four. Remember to print the tree-tracker and follow along.

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A Creative Endeavor

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For a limited time

This printable is available to all of our fellow Mermaids check the community page. If you’re not a member click on the link above. This is for a limited time. We like to add new content to our community page.

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25 Days Of Merry Making

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Making Merry

Might be the last thing on your mind when racing around but we’re hoping to ease your mind.

We’ll Be Sharing…

A combination of prompts or activities for you to do.

Maybe a self-care activity or words of inspiration.

The Goal Is

To visit the blog over the next 25 days until Christmas and see what’s in store. Or follow on Instagram for updates.

Scroll Below

To print your Christmas calendar.

Now you know we couldn’t make a Christmas blogpost without including a fun printable. If you’re a Mermaid check your inbox or visit our community page. If you’re not a Mermaid good news! I’ve included a link below and you can print/use then post your updates using #walk_inn_beauty because sharing is caring.

Day 1 and 2

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A Culture of progress


Are you currently in a “Culture Of Progress?”

Take some time to consider the answer to this question and before I dive into the inspiration of this blogpost here’s a simple definition.

Culture: the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectivity. [Google Dictionary]


I was listening to a coaching call with Dean Graziosi, co-creator Of Knowledge Business Blueprint, and he loosely mentioned about a culture of progress. As the training continued my mind continued to ponder the meaning. At the time I was driving and couldn’t take notes but my ears tuned out everything else from that point on.


At the moment I was dealing with a communication issue I was having with one of my contracts and those three words hit me, in a good way. Culture Of Progress.

Am I in a culture of progress?

Am I working with capable people who value systems?

Is this business relationship healthy and is there progress?

At the moment my answer was a big, “NO, NO and NO” then I pulled over to write down a few thoughts.



  1. Figure out your “WHY” and write it down, make it plain and visible. BLOGPOST

  2. Distinguish all the things that dilute or distract you. Decide to stop. BLOGPOST

  3. Make a list of the “Needle Movers” in your life or the tiny steps towards your big goal.

  4. Lock-in your mind to devote 80% of your time to your NM list. BLOGPOST

  5. Get into a group of likeminded individuals. Join their community and create the culture of progress.

I’m completely inspired to find, create and maintain a fellowship that supports my goals. I know this transaction will take time but it will be worth it moving forward.



Now is better than never.

You can do it.

Even if you’re in the last quarter of the season or the last day of the year. Acknowledge where you are and move forward. If you need help check out WIBMM because we’re dedicated to helping each other move the needle.

I’d love to Have You Join My Newsletter

Acknowledge where you are and move forward. Gift yourself the time to figure it out.
— Ho'omālamalama

Find your drishti, Focus


Have you ever felt distracted, rushed or unable to focus?

Do you remember starting one thing and by the end of the day it turned into six projects? All of which are unfinished.

We chalk it up as normal creative flow but is it?

Is it normal to be distracted or is is it a sign of the times?

Our ability to “focus” is a war zone and we have to use tactical steps to get the job done.

I learned to focus through a practice called finding your Drishti. It was taught to me through one of my favorite yogi whom we lovingly call Mama Paula. Together with her daughter Maya they started SOL Health Yoga Wellness Center where they continue to inspire their community.

Your Drishti is the ability to find something to focus on & direct your energy towards. In fact I’ve compiled another 5 STEP list.

Before I get into the “Five Steps To Finding Your Drishti” I have to share with you my Yoga testimony to explain my connection with this practice that I’ve come to know and love. Yes, love.


Back in 2011 an insane driver came head-on into my lane causing a horrific accident. The MRI’s revealed that my spine had the early signs of degenerative disease. I didn’t want any experimental surgery or kidney destroying drugs so I opted for Hot Yoga [Bikram Yoga] and regular supplements. [Learn more.]


Yes, you read it correctly. A second accident in January 2019 sent me to the chiropractors. This time a pizza driver ran the red and plowed into us. This second scan had me nervous and the DC sat me down.


My spine is vibrant and healthy!!! I asked him if he saw anything and he looked at me with an awkward stare, “No why, are you expecting something?” Honestly, I was in awe. My previous diagnosis DIDN’T EXIST IN MY BODY! I was ecstatic and grateful for the life changes that I’ve made.




When I stepped into the Yoga studio the instructor guided us to find our “Drishti” or a place of focus.

This was easier said than done and it took a lot of practice. I had to make a decision to focus on one object and devote my energy towards it.



Your eyes are a powerful tool which is why it’s important to focus, gaze and look towards something that will ground you.

I struggled on holding my Asana yet I stuck with it. Believing that I would improve over time.

In Yoga and life we have to remember to look at what we desire. Which is why vision boards are so helpful.



This is such an important part. It connects your head-space with your physical-space.

Listening to your breath invites awareness as you inhale and exhale. The sound of your breath leaving your body has a soothing effect when practiced regularly. What was once internal became external.

Breathing grounds us and it is the perfect anchor.



Condition your mind to focus through activities that will boost your ability to focus, such as a good workout. Which might sound strange but your body may be experiencing tension, frustration or confusion that could be manifesting in a lack of focus.

A good workout, Zumba or yoga session can relieve unnecessary tension in the body and usher in clarity.

Walking daily is also a great example of a healthy workout routine. Each day is a WIN, so start winning and stay fit.



No one can create a healthy habit in just one day, it will take time to become accustomed to focusing your mind.

The best advice I could give on maintaining focus is to form a habit and make it fun.

I know this might sound weird but when I have to complete a project I’ll have my favorite Theo dark chocolate nearby. Which is my short term reward, lol. Because my body wants the chocolate but my mind has to complete what it started. Essentially creating a grown-up version of a rewards system.

Finding your Drishti elevates the soul, trains the mind and strengthens the body.
— Ho'omālamalama

consider getting a guide


If it wasn’t for my Yoga instructor I would have failed. Hearing her voice prompting us to, “Stay focused” and “Find your Drishti” made all the difference. After some time I was able to do it alone and enjoy the process.

An invitation


The purpose of a guide isn’t to control but rather to direct. To help one find their focus or re-focus. Then it dawned on me, my program is THAT guide! I help Women focus on what’s important to them through an eight module online class and a livestream mastermind. I call this creation, “Walk Inn Beauty Mastermind” which consist of an online E-Course and three Livestream sessions. The E-Course is called “The Opening Ceremony” because it lays down the foundation to the mastermind. Think of it as a prerequisite to the “Walk Inn Beauty Mastermind.”



  1. WHO AM I








    Worksheets [pdf] for each module.



  • One LIVESTREAM session per month.

  • Private facebook group.

  • Instagram spotlight.

  • A “focused-session” to get stuff done!

Member’s special


And “The opening ceremony”

3 for 1

[Three months for the price of one month.]

examples of the pdf’s


Mother Nature's Beauty Secret


One of my favorite things as a child was playing in the mud. My siblings and I would search for the perfect mud puddle or creek with a clay embankment. It was messy and heaven at the same time.  Forget play-dough, our clay was 100% organic without any harmful dyes.

“100% Organic”

Today I'm grown, slightly mature and a mother but I still enjoy that cool mushy feeling of wet clay. Naturally I would like to indulge in a facial mask but the prices at many of these high-end spas are interesting. After all I use to play in this stuff for free!

Beauty is a diverse force made up of birth, imagination and self-care.
— Ho'omalamalama

I actually checked out a spa and many of the items in their mask are in my kitchen. Products like honey, oats and vitamin E. (I have a supplement shelf.) All I needed was the clay to make my mud mask. Fortunately I know of an organic shop called Ubiquitous Journey that sells herbs, loose leaf teas, spices and a beauty DIY section. (Do It Yourself.)


I chose three different types of clays, each with unique mineral content and played around with various combinations. It's so easy to use that I brought some to the ladies in my Zumba class. The picture above was taken after my Facebook lifestream session where I showed them how to mix and apply  the clays.


There are countless blogs, vlogs and articles about these amazing clays. My purpose is to show you a few of the combinations that you can duplicate.

The main ingredient is the clay and you can start using it with little prep time. All you really need is purified, filtered or distilled water to mix and make your mud mask.

As you can see from the picture below my na keiki (children) wanted in on the fun too!

TIP #1 - This is a fun way to explore self care for growing preteen and teenagers.



  1. One tablespoon clay (a little can go a long way)

  2. Purified H2O (add slowly for a pasty texture)

  3. Few drops of almond oil (indulge in the nourishing feeling)

  4. Mix and use (I prefer to make it when I need it)

  5. Leave on for about 5 - 8 minutes

TIP #2 - Create a Pinterest Board with recipes to try. You can check out mine here.


In classic kiddie fashion they had to make faces to go with their mask. I'm super happy for my young teens who can benefit from the clays at an early age. Preventing that horrible teen acne problem that I remember going through. The best part is that it has ZERO chemical content and totally organic.

Mini breakdown...

  • Rhassoul Clay - suitable for daily use.

  • French Green Clay (and others) - about once a week or on targeted areas.

  • Fullers Earth Clay - about once a week.


TIP #3 - Try it!

It’s not enough to read this post, you must try it.

Pull out your trusty planner and schedule each step. I’ll help!

  1. Choose a clay.

  2. Shop at your local organic store or online.

  3. Pick a self-care day and stick to it.

  4. Create the environment, like candles and music.

  5. Do it and journal about the experience.

Want to learn more about beauty?

In 2017 I wrote an eBook that explores Beauty in a multi-dimensional way. Imagine a diamond with many sides and angles. That is Beauty… one part of many experiences.

Have you ever heard of the “5 Realms Of Beauty?”

To explain Beauty’s diversity I thought of a web with five anchoring points. Each one representing a piece of wisdom, a secret revealed through the eBook.

What is this eBook called and how will I benefit?

For those of you who are hearing about this for the first time it’s called, “Walk In Beauty, Unlock it’s secrets & uncover your potential.” The benefit is that each eBook sold come’s with an eClass and PDF sheets that you can use. It’s basically an eBook + Tutorial = Walk In Beauty.


The Benefits of "Subconscious Curating."


The curious world of the subconscious mind…

Our subconscious is always working and alert. It's drawing in from our environment and making snippets of memory that we might use.

It influences so much of our daily lives yet it is rarely considered. [Why is that?]

We focus on intellect, memory and physical abilities but what about our unconscious thoughts that brings out our emotion and feelings?

What about the health and wellbeing of our… SUBCONSCIOUS?

What if you designed a space that would motivate you to get healthy, finish what you started, grab that promotion or live your best life? It's possible. You can mold some of your living space to reflect your goals. Let's begin.

It’s time to allow our surroundings to support our goals & values. Start simple. small & immediately.
— Ho'omalamalama

Step 1Pick a corner, table top, dresser, credenza or shelf in a prominent area. A place you see often or pass by regularly. Then clear, dust and polish it. Maybe burn some incense to freshen up the atmosphere. (It's healthier than a can of aerosol polluting the habitat.)


Step 2Now sit back, maybe play some inspirational music, and be still. Close your eyes, listen to your breath for three cycles of inhale and exhale. After you feel your shoulders relax hold that posture for three more slow breath cycles. Then open your eyes and write down your first thoughts. Next cross out anything negative or work related. (This might take more time but you can adjust to your needs.) What are you left with?


Step 3Look back at that pile of stuff you just removed. Do any of those items fit your thoughts from Step 2? Repurpose, remove or donate what doesn't serve your higher purpose. Commit to keeping this particular spot clutter-free and dust-free.


Step 4Your new space might not have all the elements you want. No worries. Find magazine images then cut and glue them onto an inexpensive canvas, watercolor paper or foam board. Collage the colors that inspire you along with a few design elements. Maybe a bamboo plant, figurine or a framed picture of a Tahitian shoreline.


Step 5Place the items you have on the new space. Remember the old saying, "less is more" well that statement will help you maintain good proportion. Gather things in groups of three and leave some table top showing.



(Which are purely individual and unconsciously felt.)

  1. Your eyes have something pleasant to dwell on while contemplating your daily activities.

  2. Promoting peace and a clean space can help you duplicate that effect into other areas of your life.

  3. You don't have to physically be active in this space to benefit from its sense of orderliness.

  4. It will give you something to look forward to which can boost joy and excitement.

  5. The ability to become the master of one area might help you become the master in others. After all, mastering personal space comes before positive change.



My testimony ~ I use to work my butt off exercising trying to eat healthy and raise children but my personal space was a disaster.

I couldn't maintain my workout schedule and quit. After a bunch of fails I happened to watch an old rerun called Trading Places. Basically it was the idea that changing someone's atmosphere could change their (self) perspective.

Let’s just say that curating a space of peace & goals helped me to step out of the shadows.

I started with the mantle by my fire place and got a BIG canvas with the words, "Live your dreams & be your best self." That space is dust-free and always organized. Eventually I added pieces that have positive connotations and branched into other areas of my home, teaching my Ohana (family) along the way.

🌴 PEACE Be the Journey


PS: This original blog post was written in 2016 on a site I created called MANA WAHINE FITNESS. It’s a lifestyle that I have maintained since then and have shared it’s benefits. You can read the original post here.




It’s an important skill to be able to START and FINISH something but what’s even more important is the ability to FINISH STRONG. Have you ever started something but your momentum wavered, got distracted or loss interest? Only to realize, much later, that you should have stuck with it!


We’ve all heard that term before and sometimes you can catch a hint of, “Where have you been?”

More often then not there’s questions, wonderment & even concern, but often we hear judgement.

Take fitness classes for instance; you start off strong and somewhere in the middle a distraction pops up then you stop. You want to go to class but you’re concerned about what others will say or think about you.


Why do we assume the worst? Honestly… what’s wrong with our brain? Are we self-sabotaging?

Speaking of self sabotage…

I have two other blogpost that covers this topic.

Say this affirmation

I am open to receiving good things into my life.
Good things are meant to happen to me.
I give & receive grace.
— Daily Affirmation

When things get tough or difficult it’s always helpful to start with clearing the roadblocks in the mind and affirmations are a good way to invoke positive vibes. So say them LOUD and PROUD.

5 Power Steps [PS]

Don’t just walk into the direction of your goals, do it with power and purpose. Here are five PS to regain your momentum and they’ll touch on five realms or connection points.


PS #1 Mind

Ignore Negativity

From self-talk to nay-sayers, just ignore them. In my eBook, Walk In Beauty, I share strategies to help you realign and re-fresh your thoughts.

TIP: Create a Pinterest board with positive words and quotes. Commit to reading them daily. Here’s an example.


PS #2 Body

Move Your Body

Sitting still in negative thoughts is counterintuitive to reaching goals. So if you have a desire to tone-up, sitting in a pool of failed attempts will not serve you.

TIP: No matter what type of goal you have commit to doing one [1] thing daily. That’s one small step towards _______. [You name it.]


PS #3 Soul

Feed Your Soul With Happiness

Don’t wait for someone to make you happy or give you purpose. Get around happy people, reflect their joy and create purpose. You feed your soul through moments of INSPIRATION.

TIP: Gather Inspiration.


PS #4 Nature

Allow Nature To Inspire You

How many times has it rained, stormed and thundered? Yet a tiny seed finds a home then sprouts a leaf. Nature has to overcome human occupation and it never relents. Mother Nature is an amazing resource of strength.

TIP: Get outdoors!


PS #5 Eternal

Think “Longevity”

We mistake failures for death. We fail and assume that the dream or goal is dead. Often sweeping it under the rug of unfulfilled ideas. However, life goes on. A failed attempt is just a minor set back.

TIP: Adjust your plan and swap your schedule around. Make TIME and restart your project, idea or creative endeavor.

Revisit & Revive

  1. MIND - Ignore negativity by anchoring onto words that build.

  2. BODY - Physical movement, exercise, creates circulation which promotes clarity. Clarity brings energy.

  3. SOUL - Feed & strengthen it by engaging with happiness in a form that helps you to block harmful thoughts.

  4. NATURE - Connect with a part of Nature that inspires you by making time to commune within your favorite space.

  5. ETERNAL - Think “Longevity” because failure isn’t the end it’s only one part to many options. Restarting allows you to make it better.

Fortunately each of the five areas mentioned come from the, “5 Realms Of Beauty” a teaching format which is written into Walk In Beauty. There are so many details that would not fit in a blogpost, which is why I wrote the eBook. Also, if you purchase the eBook it comes with printable[s] for every chapter. It’s sort of a workbook/manual to guide you on your journey.


Keep looking up, things will get better. Mahalo for reading and please share this post with someone you care about. Let’s build a fit community together.


What if you don't feel like it!


I BELIEVE in your potential which is why I'm sharing these five tips you can do to stay MOTIVATED. I call it building your "Nest Of Positivity." It will support you during the volatile changes of a weary world, while offering you a place of refuge.

QUESTION: Have you ever hit snooze on the alarm [10x's] because you really don't feel like it.

No fitness, no meal prep, no nothing! Just lay in bed and cozy up with your PJ's.

What if you don't want to go into work? Well, then you don't get paid or worse... you get fired. So what does one do? If there's money or job related responsibility involved we often push past our feelings and drudge on!

But what if you don't get paid to workout or eat healthy? Now what?! That's when you need serious MOTIVATION, and it should happen daily. [Why] Because you're building a nest of positivity.

Your “Nest Of Positivity” is a refuge from the volatile changes of a weary world. Whose purpose is to drain you of your vibrancy.
— Ho'omalamalama


Imagine every branch, stick or twig as a positive thought or inspiration. You are building something for the future, and that's how motivation works. It's a curated collection of good-thoughts. And when the winds of persecution, hate, drama, negative thoughts and the like come to destroy you, you have nothing to fear. All they're blowing against is a nest fortified with twigs of thoughtfulness and branches of beauty.   

[Speaking of beauty I know just the place to start click here.]

There are two things you can do right now to start building that nest; Evaluate & Eliminate.



Start a good habit or track one you want to change.

You can grab a free Habit-Tracker printable and get started right away. Don't forget to watch the tutorial.


I often treat my quinoa like rice. Growing up in Hawaii we were heavily influenced by Asian cultures. So it's not uncommon to have a rice bowl. Now I substitute rice for quinoa & I usually have kimchi with it.


The art of focus.


Five [5] tips to keep your eyes on the prize!

How many of us made a concrete decision to eat healthy, have positive self-talk, exercise more or quit something? [My hands are up.]  Then we come to a fork in the road and our simple decision get's challenged, we adjust our choices to include an amendment.

EX: I will eat clean in the New Year! Then something happens so we adjust.

EX: I will eat clean in the New Year on weekday's! Again, we're challenged and we make another adaptation.

EX: I will eat clean in the New Year on weekday's but only Monday and Wednesday.

Focus is a muscle that is created through the flexing of choices. Every decision has the ability to impoverish or prosper you, in mind, body & soul.
— Ho'omalamalama

Here's where the fun begins, let's dive into the, "5 tips to keep your eyes on the prize."


STOP! Breathe, and observe. Chances are that you already know what is getting in the way of your success. 

Is it a person, place, thing or any other noun? 

Do you have control over this particular situation?

Is this situation in control over you?


Now grab your trusty journal, I use my Make Mahalo planner, and write down,


that person, place or thing is distracting you.

Why are they or it allowed to distract you? For me it was my iPhone, all those push notifications, which I allowed to distract me. Children and spouse fall into this category sometimes.


There are three categories that every distraction will fall into.

  1. Life threatening. This defines itself and I'm pretty sure that you won't need an example.

  2. Avoidance. [One of my evils.] When you do everything except what you should be doing.

  3. Out of your control. Not life threatening but it has put a hurdle in your smooth path. What other's do to you.


Counter all the negativity.

Write a list of all the things that are important to you. What get's you up in the morning?

Perhaps you feel compelled or called to complete a certain task. What is it?

Maybe you want to complete a task that someone else started but didn't get to finish.


For every "WHAT" you wrote on #4 write a "WHY. " Here lies the heart of your motivation. If you lack inspiration or feel shadowed by discouragement, then this step is extremely important.

I wrote a previous blogpost called, "How strong is your WHY?"


I'm doing a whole new series about FOCUS on my Instagram page. Using images that I've take to inspire the subconscious mind to persevere. If you're ready to surround your life with awesome intention and focus join here.  


  • Success

  • Health

  • Goals Reached

  • Joy of Completion

  • New Heights

  • Career Improvement

  • Business Growth

  • And many more...



The best way to make sure that you've learned something is to go out and start teaching it to others. Share the 5-Tips with three other friends. Better yet, do the writing exercises with them. I've included a link below that you can click and it will send a message to your friends on twitter.

Tell me about your experience with the 5-Tips, Comment below. 

Detox Your Soul


Our souls, [deep breath] a wonderful connection to infinite & beyond our comprehension. It often goes unnoticed because it doesn't fit the usual standards.

It isn't like the mind, capable of expressing itself. Neither is it like the body where it has a physical presences. 

What is the soul?

The difficult part is that there isn’t a way to measure it. We often can't tell if the soul is starving or maybe we don't know how to feed it?

In my eBook, "Walk in beauty" I wrote about the Soul and how to maintain it. To be honest that was the hardest chapter for me because it’s intangible. You can learn more here.

The SOUL is a bridge, to place far too marvelous to understand, one that connects the mind and body
— Ho'omalamalama

Two things I would like to share before moving on. First this post is based off of my experiences. Secondly you are in control and have the power to choose.


If nothing in this blog resonates with you I hope this will... 


Only you can remove, change or erase the toxicity in your life. Keep in mind that healthy routines offer a type of balance that you'll find helpful. Especially during stressful moments. Always make time for self-care, self-love and above all self-respect.

If you've read this and want to learn more about the soul check out walk in beauty. It covers the 5 Realms Of Beauty and the soul is one of them.



I launched my MANA WAHINE Program, Hawaiian for strong woman. It's a type of strength connected to knowing who you are and valuing yourself. I combine holistic lifestyle + dance fitness + fit-foodie coaching. Eventually I will be offering the fit-foodie portion as an online program. The goal is to create thought patterns and lifestyles that are healthy not fad-ish. A community of MANA Wahine. 

Here's a simple drink that I shared on my Instagram feed. You can add a touch of stevia to this morning smoothie. As far as measurements go, I don't really measure any of it. I generally taste as I go.


If you haven't followed me on Instagram than you're missing out. There's food, nature and quotes to live by. It's positive inspiration that you can look forward to seeing. Much like the image below. It's part of my Words Of Beauty series. 


How hate affects HEALTH and 5 antidotes.


Believe it or not but this is an easy topic to write about. [Why?] Since I see the effects of this everyday. [Where?] Every time I step outside my door and head to my local grocery store. When I'm in a yoga session or visiting a gym, I see the affects of hate.

You're probably wondering, "Groceries & hate, fitness & hate... I don't see the connection Ho'o." You will once I point out a few things.

First of all hate is one of many emotions & all those feelings, positive or negative, affect us. Secondly, what affects us internally WILL eventually affect us externally.

Hate as an emotion, if hidden, festers like a boil & it will ooze a gamut of cray-cray. [Cray-cray is crazy on steroids.]   

Cray-cray looks like high levels of stress without a solution, passive aggressive tendencies to blame everyone or the inability to experience peace. Luckily, if you're reading this then it's not you. Because hate & cray-cray aren't proactive, they're reactive energy. 

Energy is like gold coins in the vault of life. Spend it wisely.
— Ho'omalamalama

I'm not a Chinese Medicine Doctor, Chiropractor or massage therapist but I have seen them on occasion. They can literally sense un-forgiveness, stress in my relationships or finances. It's not magic it's muscles. Our muscles react to tension and a typical fitness workout will result in muscle tension but it will heal. [If you stretch properly.] But feelings of hate, dislike and anger tenses our muscles and over time it can disfigure our outlook in life. That's why we all need the five antidotes to hate!  


5 Antidotes

  1. Check your feelings towards someone. If you can't be in the same room or can't stand to see their post... there could be issues.
  2. Forgiveness is the only medicine for hate or bitterness. It's also the toughest but you can Google some amazing reasons why you should forgive & it's benefits.
  3. Release all desire to hold-a-grudge. It's really not worth it and your time is too precious to spend thinking about that other person.
  4. Move. Movement is so important. Stagnant feelings & lethargic body are best friends, so you have to do the opposite. Join a dance fitness class and get lost in the music. You'll feel better and trim that waist line at the same time.
  5. Repeat 1-4 as often as needed because in this day and age everyone is uptight. Those of us who are able to live in PEACE do so by letting go. It's part of the WALK In BEAUTY process.   

I had fun using the Hawaiian 


in place of love. It sounds like music to the ears. 


Feng Shui

Next blogpost I'll be sharing my experience with Feng Shui, which I have been practicing since 2003, the year my daughter was born. She and my husband are both the year of the ram. I've been able to incorporate it into my lifestyle and spiritual convictions. I also blend it with my Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono and the more recent Konmari Method. You have to see it to totally understand how it flows.

2018 Challenge

Understanding the, "s Realms of Beauty" opens doors within our minds. It allows a natural shift to happen through our perspective. And there's no better way to experience this than to go through the pages of WALK IN BEAUTY with friends. The Challenge, should you accept, is to gather friends, commit to regular meet-ups and share the projects you create. The eBook is actually a manual/guide/workbook for holistic lifestyle. Ready to get started?  


Fit Foodie

With all the diets out there are you as confused as I was? Ketogenic, Vegan, Paleo, Vegetarian, South Beach, Raw Food,  Atkins, Zone, Mediterranean, Pescatarian and now Pegan Diet. Oh yes there's a new one. Obviously with my husband, 7 children, a dog and business to run I don't have time. Which is why I'm working on LIFESTYLE. Think about the following when you shop...

  1. Do you know the person who raised or grew this product?
  2. What's a fave & how do you feel after you eat it _______ ?   
  3. Do you like the way you eat?

Here are my answers:

  1. Most of the time or I read the labels.
  2. I enjoy pancakes but I always want a nap after I eat them.
  3. My goal is to eat clean 6 days a week and have fun on the last 1 day. I'm 5/6 So YES!

The real secret is to eat clean! I don't know why there's an urge to name eating styles but there isn't a one size fix all. I eat a lot of Asian fusion foods. Below is a pic of my lunch, local beef & kimchi with organic [probably hot house raised] romaine lettuce & portobello mushrooms. 
